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Fad Diets & Weight Loss
Fad Diets & Weight Loss

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A diet may be a fad diet or a healthy diet. People often start a fad diet for fast
weight loss. They do not realize that quick weight loss and a fad diet is not the
answer for their weight problem. They may lose weight initially but that may not
be permanent. The fad diets recommend to eat a certain group of foods and
eliminate some foods or a group of foods from the diet. Such diets are not without
a danger. Some of the fad diets are:

Grapefruit Diet : This diet recommends to eat only grapefruit.
Low Carb Diet : This diet recommends to eat foods low in carbohydrates.
Low Fat Diet : This diet recommends to eat foods low in fats or eliminate fats in diet.
High Protein Diet : This diet recommends to eat only protein rich foods, eliminating

Note that these diets recommend to eliminate some food groups that are essential
for a healthy body. These diets may offer only a temporary solution and are not
based on the recommendationsof the food pyramid. On using a fad diet, you may
lose weight fast, but lateron you may again gain weight and your body may be
deficient in many nutrients that can develop health problems.

A good diet should provide all the major nutrients including dietary fibers,
carbohydrates, proteins, good fats, minerals, and vitamins. The best way to tackle
overweight and obesity problem is to eat a balanced diet and do some physical exercise daily.

You should not start any diet if it does not allow any major group of the food pyramid.
The negative calorie diet is based on neagtive calorie foods that include vegetables, fruits,
legumes, lentils, and beans, so it allows all the major nutrients in the diet necessary for
good health. By eating these foods, you will never feel hungry and you will never gain
weight. If you remain physically active and eat these foods, you will deop pounds permanently.

For more information, visit the web site
negative calorie foods and diet information


About the Author

This article has been written by
For more information, visit

Fat Burning Foods & Negative Calorie Foods


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