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Fast Weight Loss Through Thinking Thin!
by: Jeff Smith
This time you are serious about achieving fast weight loss?

You're heading out on a big trip, and you've glanced at the
latest South Beach Diet book to see if this just might be
the answer to your prayers.

Fast weight loss is achieveable, but so is long-term weight

There's nothing worse than losing 5 pounds, only to gain it
back within 4 weeks. So how do you summon the focus to
begin fast weight loss and the dedication to stick with it
for the long-term?

Overcoming most challenges in life depend on having the
right mental attitude, beliefs and motivation.

Here are 4 steps you can use to set the foundation for fast
weight loss:

1. Understand Pain Versus Pleasure

Most behaviors in life occur either because we are trying
to avoid pain or achieve pleasure.

In fact, our opinion of how painful or how pleasurable
something is has a major impact on our committment and

So, your chance of achieving fast weight loss is much greater
if you can focus on the pain of NOT losing weight.

What if you don't succeed? What will your friends, family
and others think of you if you don't experience fast weight

How will you feel tomorrow, the next day and the next if you
continue to pack on the pounds.

Then, imagine what losing 2 pounds per week could mean to
you in just 1-month? Imagine how much energy and vitality
you could experience with your fast weight loss? Actually
picture yourself looking in the mirror and seeing someone
who you strive to be.

Build your own pain pleasure scale to help you stay motivated.

2. Find a buddy or two

Finding others who have experienced fast weight loss to help
you along the way is so important to your eventual success.

Not everyone requires as much external support as the other,
but we all - as human beings - strive for external support
of our goals, beliefs and actions.

Fast weight loss support can come from someone in your
neighborhood, a weight loss support group, online weight
loss forums and membership sites, weight loss books, or
health and fitness coaches.

3. Weight Gain Triggers

Your fast weight loss goals will be helped along by understanding
the reality and emotional triggers of what causes weight gain.

For example, weight gain is a natural and standard experience
of hitting middle age.

Similarly, common weight gain triggers involve stress,
unhappiness, frustration, lack of control, etc...

A suggestion is to keep a log of your feelings and what you
eat for 2-weeks prior to dieting.

Call it your fast weight loss journal!

Everytime you eat something, no matter how small, make a log
entry and write down your thoughts and what led to those

I think you will be surprised to see what triggers your

4. Get Busy and Get Relaxed

Make exercise and relaxation a key part of your fast weight
loss program.

You need to stay positive, feel good, achieve progress - a
big part of that is your emotional and chemical body state.

By exercising, you release pleasurable endorphins into your
brain - in a sense, pleasure of exercise becomes addictive.

Meditation will take a little longer to show results, but
you really can control the negative factors in life that
often jeopardize your fast weight loss goals.

Fast weight loss is within your reach. Follow these four
steps and enjoy your newfound power and freedom to look leen
and feal better.

About the author:

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