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The Most Important Step in Weight Loss
by: Shawn LeBrun

Here is the first and most important step in weight loss
Before taking any physical steps in your efforts to lose weight, begin by taking a mental approach.

The first step to achieving physical success is to accept complete responsibility for where you are, right now.

Outside of extreme medical conditions, your current weight has happened by your choice. You cannot and should not blame anyone at all for where you are right now.

If you're currently overweight, it's because you created it.

Tired of the way you look when you look into the mirror?

You are responsible.

Just plain sick and tired of being sick and tired?

You are where you are right now due to the choices you've made.

A large part of being a fully mature adult is accepting full responsibility for where you are right now and what has happened to you in life up to this point.

Then and only then can you begin the action steps to clearly change your situation.

You see, if you're blaming your current weight on everything but yourself, that's what you're going to keep telling yourself internally to the point that you truly believe that you're not at fault for your weight.

If you truly feel you're not at fault for your current weight, do you really think you're going to get real with yourself and take the necessary steps to lose weight and stay thin?

Of course not, you're going to continue blaming McDonald's or Pizza Hut and you'll just continue on in your never-ending search for weight loss success.

On the other hand, by accepting complete and full responsibility for your being overweight, you can start the necessary preparations of figuring out why it's occurring and you can take action to change it.

The fact is, by claiming ownership, you also realize that it's you and only you that will be the one who gets you to take action and change what you want changed.

The buck stops with you. No one forced you to eat more than you should have.

Stop blaming and start accepting.

Once you do, you're in the driver's seat and you can now go as fast as you want to achieving your goal.

It really does amaze me how people tend to pass responsibility for their current situations to someone or something else.

Have you ever said or heard any of the following:

I cannot seem to find a job. There must be no jobs available for me, the goods ones have must have been taken by other people.

You can turn this negative into a positive by saying:

I'm in control of my destiny and my life and as long as there are people, there will be jobs. I must not be looking hard enough. I'll send out 20 more resumes each day and make 10 more phone calls.

How about this one:

I'm fat because of the food my family eats. My spouse and kids only want to eat pizza and burgers for dinner and it's causing me to be fat.

You can turn this around by saying:

Since I'm the one providing for my family, I want them to receive good, wholesome foods for dinner. I think I'll buy a low fat cookbook and really learn to add some variety and spices to our low fat food. I'm not going to sacrifice my own happiness and health for others.

So, instead of blaming your current situation on uncontrollable outside forces, realize that there's little in your life that you were not the cause of by making certain choices.

Once you realize that you are the captain, and only captain, of the boat called your life, you can steer it in any direction that you want to.

Its up to you and only you.

About the Author

Shawn LeBrun is one of the internet's most publised fitness and weight loss coaches. Visit his site to see how he can make this the year you achieve your best body ever!


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