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by: Dr. Glen A. Gordon, MD
Two hundred years after Newton’s experience with an apple Sir James Maxwell proposed electromagnetism as a stronger force in the universal scheme, one controlling electron sharing between atoms which Hawkings notes “is the basis of all biology, life itself”. A splendid path of discovery and therapy lay before us.

Maxwell’s defining electromagnetism was seminal in creating the modern era of physics at the turn of the 20th century. Einstein spent the latter third of his life trying to explain how gravity, electromagnetism and two other fundamental forces controlled all interactions into a single universal theory still pursued today.

Rather than join the scientific world in these revolutionary understandings traditional medicine published the Flexner report in 1910, eradicating electromagnetism from all medical curricula in the United States, and closed 170 institutions in the name of “medical science” that supported such “irregular” teachings. A treatment half of the populace in the United States embraced in the 1850s was no longer available, gone in a political coup that rebuked the best of science. Drugs and surgery became lord and master of all they surveyed, imposters to the throne in a kingdom deserving better.

Commonly employed in Europe, only a few brave men continued to define electromagnetism in America. Robert Royal Rife was defiled and harassed to the point of suicide for his beliefs. Others, like Robert Becker overcame harassment and ignorance in his monumental effort to popularize electro-molecular medicine by publishing “The Body Electric”, a treatise exalted by millions. Alas, his genius only cracked the door as electro-molecular medicine was carefully sequestered in orthopedic fracture care instead of redefining the entire human condition as it is inevitably destined to do.

In 1972 American cardiologists traveled to Moscow to witness the restoration of different heart conditions employing electromagnetism and found it “pretty impressive IF they were telling the truth” (first rule: discredit the source). The work of the Myasnikov Institute went unreported, as another opportunity to embrace electro-molecular understanding of our “body electric” was missed. Arthritis, stroke, and spinal cord injury come to mind as similar oversights here that are successfully treated in Europe.

In 2003 Thomas Goodwin and Robert Dennis defined “most bio-effective” pulse characteristics in a watershed understanding of electro-molecular events surrounding gene response to injury. Electromagnetism, a fundamental energy since the planet began, influencing chemical reactions in us as living systems; what could be more natural?

About the Author

Glen Gordon MD gained first US approval to use pulsed electromagnetic technology to treat soft tissue injury in humans (1980), developed the first nanosecond pulse technology in the US, and continues to speak and write on this new paradigm in treating illness and injury. For more information see


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