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A Simple Secret Way to make money on Ebay
by: EbaySteve
Making money on Ebay can seem difficult, to say the least. Yet at the same time you hear fabulous stories of people who have made zillions from the mighty Bay. So how in all that's Holy have they managed it?! Good news, Bay kids, EbaySteve is here to answer the most pressing question on the minds of all ebay fans - what is the 1 simple secret way to make money from eBay!!

As you will have noticed, there are basically 3 types of sellers on eBay. The pros selling small numbers of high value stuff, the pros selling high volumes of low value 'hot' gear, and the amateurs, selling one offs and small runs. Unless you have it set up as a pro business, you probably spend a LOT of time searching thru firesales, trunk sales, junk shops and classifieds for the items you are interested in - the things you intend to sell. This use of your time may not be the best, dudes! How would you like to know a smokin' way to leverage your time and cash in on existing hot markets on the mighty eBay?!

Well here you go. EbaySteve likes to find a hot sector of the 'Bay that's selling real fast. Go to the main page and check out what's hot. All you THEN have to do is knock up a tiny report (PDF format is best) on that very subject, and offer it up for a mini price - a couple of bucks or thereabouts. This ain't so hard as it sounds - if you try, I'm sure you can write a few hundred words about a particular topic, and maybe customize an image or 2 for the report. If you really can't write for toffee, try using paid article creation specialists - and rentacoder are good places to start, or you could even tickle me at and see if I am interested in sharing some of my fab collection of eBay articles with you!. If you go the rentacoder route, for a few bucks they will create you a report on the topic of your choice that you are free to use. Now here comes the clever bit. EbaySteve tells you to embed links to affiliate programs within the report.

So at one point on your report about custom Hogs, for example, you might embed a link to Warner Harley shops, using an affiliate link from, Tradedoubler or a link to Harley books from the Amazon affiliate scheme. If anyone buys the book and clicks the link, there's a chance you will earn commission on it. Best of all, these affiliate programs offer free imagery for the links and that can make your report look real pro! EbaySteve likes to put 2 or 3 links in his reports, and tends to use text links so they can fit seamlessly into the main text of the report. As these links can be hyperlinks, the url it points too won't be visible, so you can make the text say something like 'More Info'. That usually get's 'em clickin'!

And that's it! People interested in the hot topic will buy your ebook report, because its cheap, and they will probably want info on the subject. Once they download it, they will click on the embedded affiliate links, and maybe earn you even more money. Simple, huh?!

About the Author

Ebay Steve owns the totally cool site where you can get free advice on making money with ebay, the world's most superb auction house.


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