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100,000 Subscribers In 30 Days?
by: Willie Crawford
Two years ago, I sat in Joel Christopher's "Master List Builder
Seminar" listening to ideas on how to build my list faster. The
room was filled with seasoned on-line and off-line marketers. They
all told us that the money was in the list... something we all
knew intuitively.

People in the room shared just about every method imaginable
for building a list. They covered what worked, what didn't, and
what you definitely should not do. They shared their personal
experiences and the results of their latest list building tests.

A few of the speakers had tremendous impact on me. One was
Paul Myers, whom I previously knew primarily from on-line
discussion forums. I had also enjoyed several LONG phone calls
with him. The other speaker whose message intrigued me was
Frank Garon. Frank spoke of buying lists of new subscribers for
less than a penny a name. He spoke of something called

Terry Dean also validated for me the impact writing good ezine
articles can have at that seminar.

Frank Garon REVEALED that he and other top marketers
regularly joined together and bought batches of tens of thousands....
maybe 100,000 names. These names were gathered via on-line forms
placed on high traffic websites. The forms offered more information
on the types of products and services that Frank and his friends
offered. The websites' visitors checked this box requesting more
information, and these names (along with datestamp, IP address
and other relevant information) was passed to the opt-in
name purchasers.

As I listened to this talk of building a list of 100,000 in a month
or less, I wondered, if it's so great, why isn't everyone doing
it? The answer that later became clear is that many of the top
marketers ARE doing it. It's not their only method of building
a list, but it's definitely one of their most profitable.

The next question that popped into my tiny mind was, "Are
these really subscribers or will I be accused of spamming if
I send emails to these people?" These people do actually opt-in
to receive more information about starting an on-line business.
They do physically check a box requesting more information
be sent to them. That does technically make them opt-ins.

Later, my coaches and mentors would share with me many
SECRETS. One was that when you have access to one of
these list, it's all about return on investment. We all know
that names purchased via co-opt systems are less responsive.
They are less responsive because the subscribers don't know
you - they don't have a relationship with you.

These mentors went on to share that there was a proper
way to legitimately turn these opt-in "LEADS" into
subscribers. The method is very simple. In your first,
and every email to them, you remind them that they
requested more information of this type through an on-line
form. It doesn't hurt to include the date, IP address and
email address they subscribed from. Then you go on to
share some fantastic information with them... maybe in
the form of your ezine. In every contact with these
purchased names you also include an easy method for
them to unsubscribe.

If you provide genuine value, over time, you will build a
relationship with many of these leads. Many will
unsubscribe, but again - the important metric is return on
investment. that's what you need to track. If you start out
with 100,000 names but 6 months later that list has
dwindled down to 10,000 or maybe even 1000, what is the
lifetime value of those list members remaining? That's
the question you need to ask. You answer that largely
based upon what you currently earn for each subscriber
on your list.

Another concept that sank into my head at Joel's
workshop was the concept of building sub-lists. These
are lists that are kept separated based upon the source.
This allows you to send emails/offers to your lists based
upon list demographics or how they were acquired.

I now have many sub-lists. These sub-lists are from
articles I written, teleseminars I conducted, interviews
I given, course I've authored, website forms, joint ventures,
and co-registration purchases. Each list is generally
set up as an autoresponder that I can send select messages
to. My autoresponder system allows me to send out an
unlimited number of both scheduled and unscheduled

The primary system I use cost me $19 per month for
an unlimited number of autoresponders with an unlimited
number of messages. I can pre-schedule message for
up to 24 months. This fantastic autoresponder deal is
available through does have very strict policies on how
these autoresponders can be used to prevent spam accusation
problems! There is also a limit on the number of new names
you can import at a time. For that reason, I recommend that
when dealing with co-registration emails you use the
autoresponders at:

I also recommend that with co-registration names you not
email to them too often. I send them a few emails, spaced
over several months. In those emails, I provide information
of genuine value... on the topic of building an on-line
business AND I invite them to join my regular ezine list. In
each email, I inform them of how and why they are getting
the email AND provide a convenient unsubscribe link.

Over the years, I've spent many thousands of dollars on
co-registration lists. The quality has varied. The best deal
I have discovered is through the "Nitro Guys." They can
deliver 100,000 names in 30 days. If you want less, they
have an "auto-ship plan" where they send you 25,000 names
a month. These names are in CVS format which mean you
can import them directly into many list management and
autoresponder systems. Some systems, including, mentioned above, do limit the number
of names you can import at a time... so read the terms
of service before signing up.

I mentioned the "Nitro Guys. I was attracted to them by
the following intriguing headline:

"Ever Wonder How Top Marketers Get Thousands Of Subscribers
On Their Lists While Everyone Else Struggles To Just Get A
Couple Hundred?"

I clicked through to their site to complete the education I
had started at Joel Christopher's workshop…

They taught me all about the system a lot of top marketers
use to build their lists fast. Their service provides me with
a great return on investment. That's what keeps me going back.
For more on their services visit:

There are no real magic bullets. I've found the names purchased
through co-registration services much less responsive than the
names acquired from visitors to my website. However, I have grown
to consider opt-in co-registration names to be a vital part of my
marketing mix. Maybe you will too? Give it some thought. And
now… you know one of the secrets to building a mailing list of
100,000 in 30 days.

About the author:

Willie Crawford is a corporate president, published author, seminar speaker and host, tele-seminar speaker and host, retired military officer, karate black belt, master network marketing trainer, and lifetime student of marketing. He shows people how to actually generate substantial income on-line using very simple, easily modeled systems. An example of such a system that you can study and duplicate is at:

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