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eMail Follow Up System in 3 Easy Steps!
by: Denise Ryder

By Denise Ryder Marketing Coach

The most important asset a eBusiness owner has is...

Actually the more lists you have the better off you are. BUT
the key isn't just having several general lists, you want to have
as many targeted lists as you can.

What do I mean by that??

Well, ummm for all you health and nutritional product people
out there your targeted lists could be based around each of
the specific products you offer. Those in themselves make up
a "list."

If you are selling information products, then the theme or
topic of each of your books/courses can make a sub or
targeted list.

Don't look at your products/services as a group, break them
down (if you can) and think of them in terms of a targeted
group of people (or list). For each group you will send out
the initial information request and then your follow up will
involve specific information catering to that group.

That follow up is pretty straightforward. I mean if you
have a product that is based to help migraine suffers then
you wouldn't later send a mailing to that list about a new
product that deals with asthma...they don't relate or tie
in. You keep sending that list information relating to
suffering from migraines.

There is one other list that you could be building and
that is one that involves a one-time request for information.
For example; if you decided to create a list of 50 eZines
Directories, a person hits your autoresponder once to get
that list. Or how about the second part of your two-part
article - again a person that hits your autoresponder is
after that one-time request.

How on earth do you follow up with these people, when
they didn't subscribe to receive regular mailings?

That is what we are going to go over today. A 3-step
follow up system which will turn these one-time requests
into yet another viable list for you ;o)

So, let's get at it ;o)

Step 1 - First or Initial Contact

This is the information that you are firing out after
they have hit your autoresponder.

You have two ways you can go here. You can either:
let the person that you are going to send them future
information that is RELATED to the information they
have requested here. Or, you don't say a thing at all.

Best course of action is to tell them totally
open and honest from the get go. Remember people do
business with people they know, like and trust and if
you aren't've lost them.

Having said that, you still need to give them a chance
to opt-out of receiving more is a
sample to give you something to look at and use.

Hi ~~NAME~~ (remember personalize)

Just wanted to send you out the information you requested
about the 55 no cost marketing resources. I have listed them
all below and I hope you find them useful.

In a few days I'll be sending you over a special article
that I wrote "The Key to No Cost Marketing." Look for that
to come in about three days.

I've spent a lot of time researching marketing tactics and
looking for good solid resources that work. I'll be glad to
share this information with you, if you want me to.

If you don't want to receive these additional strategies and
resources then you can click the REMOVE ME link below.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me.

Look forward to sharing this information with you, take
care and good luck with your eBusiness.

Denise Ryder

So what we have here is your prospect receiving the initial
information that they requested AND we have let them
know that there is more to come and if they don't want to
receive it then, they can of course, opt out.

Most will stay because you have given them a good reason to
(remember it's the WHAT'S IN IT FOR ME), a preview of
what's to come.

Step 2 - Automate

You're probably thinking, yup I know I need an autoresponder
in order to do this. Of course you do, that goes without saying.
But, you need to see the bigger picture here. You have a prospect
that has received the information and you have indicated that there
is more "to come." That "more to come" is what I am referring to.
Make sure you have it already to go and uploaded into your

Yup, ya got to think ahead...there is no room for "fly-by-the seat
of your pants" marketing here. Sit down and plan out a 7 message
follow up for this list and have it loaded and ready to go.

Leave some time between each mailing...something like between
7-10 days. Remember this isn't your general list, this is a targeted
one with specific information and of course specific offers geared
to them.

Through these 7 messages your goal is to keep building upon the
information that they prospect originally requested. You know they
are interested because they hit your autoresponder in the first
place, right ;o)

So give them the good, solid content RELATING to the original
that they requested.

In our example above I would keep providing them with information
concerning no cost marketing resources. I would send the article
as I said I would and then the other 6 messages would perhaps
look at what to spot in a good no cost marketing resource, how
to test a resource, how to track the results, and how to use
the information they have gathered to make money. All the
while I mention that there is STILL MORE to come and of
course provide them with the opt-out option at all times.

I also can weave in my offers and because of the way I
have set my system up, these offers come in the form of
recommendations, there is no hard sell tactics happening

Step 3 -Special Mailings

Ok, we have a sublist with a theme of no cost marketing
resources. As I release a new product (based on this theme)
or find more resources to share, then I will send out a
special mailing with this information.

The idea is that these are "special" so they are not to
be used as some form of "mass or blast" marketing tactic.
What we have done with these people is built a good solid
relationship with them. We have sent them fantastic info
that they can use and we keep building by providing them
with even more information and over-delivering. Why would
we want to then ruin all that by blasting them every week...

These special mailings should be limited to using them
twice a month. It stands to reason that some months you may
not use them at all. But in this case the idea is that it is special
so make it good. Keep the momentum of good solid information
and tie in a good offer.

A good rule of thumb is to think in these terms...

A good mailing is something that benefits the list member and
the list owner. It has to be a win/win for both or it just won't

When you are thinking in terms of lists, you have to realize that
a list can come from anywhere. It is just a matter of seeing it.
As I mentioned above, think of your products/services as little
individual lists. Break them down and build a sublist around
each products theme.

Do it right and you may find a little niche where you didn't
realize it…now how cool is that!!

If you want to gain some further insight into a few more tactics
like this one, then read "How To Become Wildly Successful
Online." This eBook will give you some great ideas.
Read about it here:
This article may be reprinted with the requirement that it be
re-published in it's original form with the attached Resource Box
to be included.

About the author:
Denise Ryder is a Marketing Coach writing from her home
office in Northern Ontario (Canada). Imagine What You
Could Accomplish With a Marketing Coach in Your Back
Pocket! Take the No Cost TEST DRIVE!

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