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How To Find Deep Discount Pro Online Marketing Tools
by: Robert Decker

by Robert Decker

You can't row a boat without an oar or build a house without a hammer. And, you can't build an online business without essential Internet marketing tools. Sadly, thousands try (unsuccessfully) everyday.

Those who do use online tools are generally paying far too much for them because they haven't yet looked into the alternative. I'll tell you about that in a minute, but first...

What's the most important online tool we all need? A website, of course. No brainer. How else would potential online customers find out if we have what they need?

Next, we should at least have an autoresponder to help automate our marketing efforts and an ad tracker to keep track of which ads are pulling and which are a waste of time. These two are a "must have".

Hold up a minute...

Before we go any further, it's important to mention that I don't recommend using a complimentory autoresponder, ad tracker or any other no-cost marketing tool. You never really get something for nothing. We all understand that, right?

Who, in their right mind, is going to "give" you a professional marketing tool without somehow extracting something from you in return? A crazy multi-millionaire?

No-cost autoresponders, for example, usually have ads at the top of the message your responder sends out. Do you really want your potential customer to see someone else's ad on your promo message?

A good autoresponder generally costs around $20 monthly and a decent ad tracker around $20 a month. That's $40 for only two essential online tools. There's no long a need to pay that much!

Those who sell online tools at those prices will give all kinds of reasons why theirs are worth the high prices. And, maybe they are. If the product is good and the buyer is happy, I don't have a problem with them charging what the buyer will pay.

That's capitalism at work. We once paid those prices. Now we don't. We found a better way.

So, what is the alternative to paying high prices for online tools (without having to give up professional quality)?

It's called "bundled services". This is when a company takes multiple products or services and bundles them into a neat package so that the consumer gets several services at a considerable lesser price than if they bought them separately.

You've probably noticed the major telecommunications and TV cable companies bundling services over the past year. It's very effective. The consumer gets more for less and the companies sell more products and services. Both come out ahead.


Look for an Internet marketing tools company that offers "solid" tools and not "fluff" or hype. Those that offer fluff are only interested in taking your money and giving you as little as possible. This increases their profits, but lightens your wallet and gives you little of substance in return.

Fluff stuff can be things like: eCourse training (instead of "live" support), an eBook bonus that you can get anywhere for nothing, "insider secrets" reports, Etc. Things that are not workable tools at all.

Solid tools are things like: an autoresponder & list manager, ad tracker, website hosting, URL rotator system, online conferencing system, "live" training & support, Etc. Workable tools and solid support that actually helps in building your business.

Note: There is nothing inherently wrong with eCourse training, eBooks, special reports or other informational products (in their right place). Trying to pass them off as a substitute for solid online marketing tools is not the right place.

The hallmark of a good online tools company (or any type of company) is one that operates on the "Golden Rule Principle". They give you more in product "use value" than what you pay.

The products or services will actually be useful in building your business and the seller makes sure that you receive an abundance of them.

This creates a happy and loyal customer who will tell their friends. The customer and seller both win. So do the friends. That's the way to run a business!

How can you know when you've found such a company? Look at the product usefulness. Are the tools solid or fluff? Are you getting your money's worth or paying for hype?

Are there any Internet marketing tool companies that operate on the Golden Rule Principle and have also bundled a useful arsenal of online tools at a really good price?

Not many. There are a few. Only one or two are extraordinary in that they give an abundance of solid tools at a really low price.

Do a Google search (or use your favorite search engine) and type in "Internet marketing tools". Now you know how to find and get the best online marketing tools deal for your online business.

copyright © 2004 Robert Decker

About the author:
Robert and Mona Decker have been full-time home-biz networkers for nine years. Their current focus is matching online business builders with quality Internet marketing tools that fit their budget.

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