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Passive Income Secrets Revealed - How to Create A New Stream of Automated Passive Income in Less Than 24 Hours!
by: Jason Mangrum
"Passive Income Secrets Revealed - How to Create A New Stream
of Automated Passive Income in Less Than 24 Hours!"

By Jason & Skye Mangrum -
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Passive income on the internet is not a myth. But many
people are convinced it is...

Why? Because they don't understand the true meaning of
passive income.

What is automated, passive income? It's a major benefit
that comes from taking the inital action required to set up
a truly automated system for passive income.

As you read every word of this article, you will learn how
to set up a fully-automated "Passive Income Generator"
based on these three elements:

a) An affiliate product to promote
b) Your Passive Income Engine
c) Multiple streams of targeted traffic

Ready? Let's get started...

Step One: Find An Affiliate Product to Promote

Why an affiliate product? Because in order to have a truly
automated system for passive income generation, you need to
focus on driving traffic, building your list, and
increasing your conversion from pre-sales tactics. It can
be very difficult to create a passive income generator with
your own product, because you still have customer support
issues, email issues, refund requests to fulfill, JV
requests... the list goes on and on. However...

When you're promoting an affiliate product, you can set up
the system once, never touch it again, and profit
automatically for years and years to come!

If you already have an affiliate product in mind, great! If
not, simply head over to the ClickBank Marketplace
( and locate an affiliate
product with high conversion, and a high ranking in the

For this exercise, we've chosen to promote Simple-ology 101:
Mark Joyner's brand new HUGE online video course and
digital learning workshop. (see:
or you can send a blank email to:
for more information and a free video course)

Your affiliate product owner may or may not have existing
promotional materials for you to use. If you're lucky
enough to get a few sample promo emails, you'll save
yourself some time and creative energy. If not, write your
own. Remember, once you set this up, it's gonna run on
autopilot. So you want to do it right.

Alternatively, we've met quite a few more-than-generous
affiliate product owners who are more than happy to write a
few promotional emails for you. You're going to be making
THEM money, so they shouldn't mind too much. :)

Got your affiliate link & promotional materials? Good. Now,
onto the next step...

Step Two: Set Up Your Passive Income Engine

In today's internet world, there's one thing that comes to
mind when someone mentions the word "automation"...

Autoresponders to this day, remain the #1 undisputed
champion of all passive income generators. Why? Because
they contain the very essence of what it takes to create
true passive income. You set it up once, enter your
promotional messages to go out sequentially over a period
of time, and then forget all about it -- you've got a
'simplified' Passive Income Generator! (send an email to: for a perfect example of this)

For this step, (you guessed it) you're going to need a
reliable autoresponder.

We highly recommend Aweber (
because of all the systems we've tried, Aweber's unlimited
autoresponder capabilities, pure reliability and increased
email message delivery rates prove to be the best.

When you have your autoresponder, insert the promotional
emails and reminders you either received or wrote yourself
for your chosen affiliate product.

Set them each about 3 or 4 days apart. The more messages
you have, the better.

Think about this. What you're doing right now, is creating
a system that will automatically follow-up and remind your
future prospects again and again about whatever affiliate
product you choose to promote. At first, you only want to
choose ONE product to promote. Why? Because if 100% of your
messages are directed to your affiliate product, you're
going to be running at 100% promotional power!

When you're finished setting up your inital autoresponder
messages, it's time to create your web form. Aweber
( does this for you, quite easily
with their "web form wizard." Write your call to action,
click a button and out pops the code to copy & paste into
your web page to create your web form.

Note: Half-way through creating your web form, you'll be
asked what page you want to re-direct to after a successful
subscription. Aweber has a default thank you page, but
you'll want to change that to your affiliate link. Now,
whenever a future prospect signs up to your web form,
they'll be immediately re-directed to your affiliate
product's sales page!

To complete your Passive Income Engine, you'll want to
create a new HTML file (we use Dreamweaver) and insert the
code for your web form. This will be a *very* simple web
page, containing:

a) An attention-grabbing headline
b) A powerful opening statement
c) A short list or description of benefits
d) A compelling call-to-action & web form

These four elements make up what Jonathan Mizel calls a
"Name Squeeze."

This specific configuration has accounted for
visitor-to-lead conversions of up to 60% in some cases! And
if your affiliate product's sales page does it's job of
converting well, you just might experience sales
conversions up to 10%!

Sound far-fetched? We used the exact steps you're reading
to build our first "test" name squeeze at and we're getting a fairly steady
lead-to-sale conversion of as much as 10.2%! (If you're not
sure what this means, roughly 10 out of every 100 people
who sign up to our name squeeze end up buying our affiliate
product within 24-48 hours)

This brings us to the final element of our Passive Income

Step Three: Create a Perpetual Targeted Traffic Machine

What the heck is a "Perpetual Targeted Traffic Machine?"

Simply put, a PTTM is a viral-based mechanism designed to
strategically pull a never-ending supply of laser-targeted
web visitors to your name squeeze.

In order to make this work effectively, you'll need to
integrate a few Viral Marketing strategies into the mix. We
suggest adding a small note at the end of each and every
email autoresponder message, allowing and even encouraging
the reader to tell others about your web site name squeeze.

Chances are, just because you add the note, people will act
on it. But if you want to increase your effectiveness
one-hundred fold, include an inscentive for telling others
about your web site. There are TONS of ways to do this, but
remember - you want to do it right the first time...

Here's a quick suggestion that works like crazy:

1) Go to and gather 15-20+
articles relating to whatever subject matter or topic your
affiliate product is about. (make sure you have the
authors' permission before using any of their content)

2) Compile the articles into a single PDF document
( and give your new Special Report a
captivating title. Be sure to add your name and the link to
your web site name squeeze at the top, bottom and in the
middle of the document. Make *sure* it's clickable! (Hint:
You may also add a recommendation to your actual affiliate
product inside the PDF)

3) Make it VIRAL by using ViralPDF
( to create a "brandable"
version of your Special Report, where the reader can enter
their name and web site as the "Sponsor" of the Special
Report, and give it away to their mailing list and web site

4) Use a Tell-A-Friend script such as to encourage your readers to
tell others about your site and in return, they get the
Rebranding Rights to your Special Report!

5) Get a free account with TrafficZap
( and set up your account to
send targeted traffic to your name squeeze. Now, place the
code for your TrafficZap button into your web page. This
will cause you to effortlessly attract TrafficZap
affiliates, which literally puts traffic generation to your
name squeeze web page on autopilot.

Highly Recommended: For fast and maximum results, we advise
you to invest in a targeted visitor package from
TrafficZap. 99% of web sites offering this kind of service
are WORTHLESS and a complete waste of your time and
money... but our tests have shown that targeted traffic
sent through TrafficZap to a name squeeze actually converts
into sales!

6) This one's a no-brainer. Get your free account at
InstantBuzz and use this massively viral traffic generating
toolbar to send even more web visitors to your web site
name squeeze. You can also invest in their "1.3 Metric Tons
of Advertising" package and give yourself a lucrative sales
boost for cheap. (see:

7) For the truly passionate, we highly recommend you use a
new software program called ArticleSubmitterPro
( --- submit at least one article
per week for six weeks, and in the signature box or even in
the article itself, create a logical tie-in to your name
squeeze web site. (Article writers are reporting major
increases in traffic within days of using this software -
we fully support the use of, and recommend this software.)

That is it... you are done! (well, almost)...

For your last step, you're going to want to PRINT THIS
ARTICLE. Keep it by your computer, and reference it often.
We realize many people are willing to pay for this
information we're openly giving to you for free...

We encourage you to make the best use of it. You haven't
actually followed the steps just yet... many people reading
this won't. But if you print it right now, you'll already
be miles ahead of the thousands who didn't. Want to get
even further ahead of the pack? Follow each step given in
this article after you print it.

Best of Success!

About the author:
Jason and Skye Mangrum have been helping people create
automatic streams of passive income for over four years
to date. They often work hand-in-hand with some of the
biggest names on the internet, from Dr. Joe Vitale to the
legendary Mark Joyner. If you're interested in how Jason
and Skye Mangrum can help you create streams of automated
passive income, see their web site at:

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