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The beauty of a rose
by: Rose DesRochers

There is an old English Proverb that goes like this a friend in need is a friend indeed. How true! Having a special friend you can turn to in good times and in bad is a beautiful and splendiferous thing. Leo F. Buscaglia said: "A single rose can be my garden...a single friend my world, “To illustrate this point, let me tell you a story about friendship.

The Beauty of a Rose

I was walking through the forest and through the bushes I heard weeping .I followed the sound of the soft cry until I arrived at a woman sitting upon the snow .Her eyes were filled with tears and her heart heavy from life. I sat upon the cold snow with her and I offered her my shoulder and my ears.

“What is your name”, she asked”. I smiled at her and I said, “My name is Faith, my middle name is hope and my last name is compassion. I saw a faint smile come upon her face as I asked her “what is your name? “ “My name is flower child and “I had given up on hope, faith was something I was loosing site of and I have no more compassion to give. “

I asked her if I may read her a poem and through the poem I showed her self-worth .That it was more important for her to have self worth for when she loved herself others would love her to. I showed her reality, that you can not save the world if people don’t or won’t listen. I spoke of how important it was to have a compassion for others.

I showed her praise, I praised her for staying strong when she had given up on faith. I showed her patience as this was something not easy for any of us. Things take time I told her. Sometimes people just don’t want to accept what is in front of them. I told her to please hang on that someday they may learn respect. I then said to her this you see flower child this is hope

We sat and talked awhile and I saw a smile come back through flower Childs eyes. I picked up a wild Rose that was laying there in the snow. I placed the rose it in her hand. It wasn't everyday you had roses in winter. This is friendship the most important of all things in our life. It is truly as rare as this rose in the snow. When you receive it cherish it and don't ever let it die.

Then I smiled, I handed her a piece of paper with my number on it and I walked away. She called me the next day and I heard join in her soft voice. She told me that she had thought of me and I truly lived up to my name. I think she found her faith, her hope and her compassion. She said she found it in me but I think she had it in her all along. But what she did not have was the friendship of a Rose or an earth angel to help guide her along

We all need someone in life to say I believe in you. Friendship is as rare as a rose in the snow. When you receive it cherish it don't let it ever die. Life is too short not to cherish those who show us compassion. Don’t let silly things stand in our way. For friendship is the beauty of a rose.


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