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Blog Marketing: Guerrillas stalk the Internet
by: Gunnar Berglund
Blogs, are often defined as frequent and ongoing publications of personal thoughts and opinions of the Internet or websites. And, of course - all of certainly know what Marketing is. We are constantly bombarded with every sort of Marketing ploy through almost all forms of electronic media and print media as well. Blog Marketing is an exploding tactical and strategic process on the Internet whereby personal opinion and marketing coalesce to advise, promote, guide, persuade or dissuade any or all of us in our purchasing decisions.

The Blogger generally provides his/her expertise and opinion to "assist" the consumer in making all sorts of decisions. These Blogs cumulatively provide guidance on virtually every aspect of known existence. Blog Marketing is potentially a perfect platform for "guerrilla warfare" marketing as well - everyone from Joe Schmoe on the street to top politicians and corporate executives can use this method to promote a personal agenda or to sell something in the guise of authoritative and disinterested position. Caveat emptor is the watch phrase still as it will always be. Still, Blog Marketing offers many positive contributions as well. The future customer is able to obtain more information about positions, products, or services than in the traditional marketing format of advertisements.

Opinion is what it is and everyone knows the old saying about opinions - it would behove the person being blogged to consider and the potential agendas of the Blogger. The promise of blogging is that more information about the subject may be obtained or that truly outside of the box thinking might emerge into public view.

About the Author

Gunnar Berglund has been a "internet- hardworker" for the last five years He publishes The meonit Gazette and run and


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