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Blogging- Vent, Sell, Promote and Earn Cash
by: Laura Hickey

There are many stress techniques out in the world today. Everything from working out your anger to counting. If you’re fed up with trying the same methods, try blogging. Blogging on many websites is free and can be fun. There’s no age limit and many have no entry limit. Instead of the old method, try blogging with a free online blog. You can make it private or public. Sometimes public is good because you’re still anonymous but you can receive feedback from others who have the same frustration. Then again you may get some cruel feedback. If you do, you can delete the comment/note.

Blogging can also help you become a better typist. How? If you have a lot of anger/emotion built up inside yourself, you will have a lot to write out. Writing a lot means you type more which can help improve your typing skills. An example of a blog helping is:

Let’s say you’re in school and you got an awful grade. You can go onto your blog and vent how you feel it’s completely unfair, that you spent hours on the assignment. Or let’s say you have a dreaded "family" visit and you sit there for hours with a fake smile while listening to these relatives who bore you out of your skull. Once they leave, log into your blog and vent how much you hated the visit. Allowing yourself to fully vent (I don’t suggest putting actual real life names because they could find your blog then, perhaps make it private) can help you get things off your chest and avoid things building up.

If you have google ads you can have them on your blog and have a chance of earning some cash on the side. Or on your blog you could sell an e-book. Blogs can also sell your services by showing what you can provide and samples. Search engines often times picks up on blogs. The more you update, the more a search engine will pick you up.

Lastly a blog can just be for you to keep others updated in your life or your business. One of the most well known blogging places is Check them out, if you don’t like, you can delete your blog. Happy writing!

Laura Hickey- Freelance Writer and Author of the Children's Book: Mysterious Chills and Thrills for Kids.


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