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Content, Keywords and Blogs I Provoke you to learn More!
by: Richard Weberg
The imformation I am about to expose to you literally helped my home business and income explode! Unfortunately I had to learn it the hard way and it took me two years to fully understand. I dont claim to have all the answers, I just hope you will take this advice, and learn MORE about it. You have to be willing to learn and make mistakes if you ever want to be successful on the internet. Building a home business online is no easy task, their will be plenty of potholes and struggles that will present themselves along the way. What will make the difference in wether you succeed or fail online will be your ability to apply imformation learned, and your ability to adapt and change. So all I can do here is provide you with some imformation and provoke you to learn more. Ultimately it will be up to you, what you do with it. The subjects I want to provoke you to learn more about are content, keywords, and Blogs.

1. On the Internet content is king and always will be. This is because the Internet is the information superhighway and most people use it for information of some sort. The information on a website is its content. Generally the more useful and interesting content a website has the more successful it will be. This is because more people will want to visit it again and again, this is especially true if a website is constantly adding more and more content on a regular basis be it blogs, articles, tutorials, news and opinion or whatever. Search engines love sites that are constantly adding fresh content, they tend to spider those sites more often. Some websites add so much content to their site they get spidered almost daily! An example is, you can place an ad on their site and somtimes it will be indexed the very next day. So my advice to you is learn more about content and ways of adding fresh content to your site and if you dont own your own website, advertise on websites that ad content daily! This will get your ads indexed by the search engines very quickly.

2. Next up is keywords and how to use them. Whenever you post to forums, blogs, link exchanges, enzines, ad boards, ffa list or any other type of site you submit your ads or articles to , make sure you put your keywords for your site in your title and description! If you only have an affiliate site ask the owner of the program for the keywords he uses to list the site or use a keyword tool from overture or wordtracker to find keywords and phrases that people would use to find your site. Your keywords should also be used in the title and body of any articles you submit for publication on other websites. Search engines love content and it should be keyword RICH, I can not emphasize this enough.

This will not only get your websites indexed faster but it will also get your ads and articles indexed for your keywords! It will also create thousands of links in the search engines, are you starting to understand? Post your ads and articles on sites with lots of fresh content. Search engines crawl these sites somtimes daily, I have had ads get indexed by google over nite! is one of the many types of sites that get crawled almost daily, because their is fresh content being added everyday. I know I am repeating myself here, but I do not want you to forget this! learn as much as you can about keywords and how to use them to get your ads indexed.

3. Marketing and Blogs? Yes! Blogs have fresh content, and remember content is King. A blog is a frequent, online publication of comments, web links and news. It is an online Enzine of sorts. People maintained blogs long before the term was coined, but the trend gained momentum with automated published systems, most notably is Thousands of people use services such as Blogger alone. Blogs are pure imformation! Here is another hint START A BLOG, search engines Love Blogs! Post fresh content to it regularly, you can even get a free Blog from Google. Blogs are the marketing and imformation trend of the future, dont get left behind! Learn as much as you can about blogs and how to use them and get started right away blogging, it is the future.

To give you an example, the first two years I was on the internet doing business I would go to google once a week and do a search for my sites. The most links I ever had was around 35, my sales were slow and I only made a few hundred dollars in income a month( I was frustrated). So I started learning as much as I could about marketing on the internet, my focus was on content, keywords, and blogs because this is what most webmasters seemed to talk about in their articles and news letters. After I applied this new knowledge my links in the search engines started growing by the hundreds a week, my income also started growing! My ads and articles started showing up on all kinds of other sites, this is free viral marketing! See if you learn these three topics well everything else will fall into place. I believe these three topics are the key to all marketing on the internet because you can apply these to everything you do, wether it is email marketing, website design, article distribution, gaining incoming links, or placeing ads.

In closing please remember this their is no magic bullet on the internet, no one method that will make you a millionaire. Dont believe the hype, even though we use hype to sell, keep everything in perspective your not going to get rich overnight. Everyones learning curve will be different, so learn as much as you can about marketing on the internet and treat your home business like you would treat any brick and mortar business. Just because you work from home dosnt mean it should be any less important to you. The last thing is never quit, it takes time to make the internet work for you. It will work if you dont quit. Alot of people think that if they sign up for an advertising system on the internet, that it will work over night. It dosnt work that way. I signed up for a message system one time for advertising one of my websites, it took four months before I seen the results, but it was sure worth the wait, patience and persistance is the key. I wish everyone success in all that you do.

About the Author

Richard Weberg is an Internet Marketer and Motivational Speaker
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