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Internet Success Story Interview: Mark Joyner
by: Marty Foley
Marty Foley of and
interviews Mark Joyner, one of the true pioneers of online

Among other things, Mark was instrumental in sparking the
e-book marketing craze, wrote an e-book which has been
downloaded millions of times, and is responsible for one of
the greatest success stories in Net history: the building of on an ad budget of $0 - and selling it for

[Marty]: Mark, can you give us a little background on your
online business operations?

[Mark]: Well, I started on the Net back when I was a very young
man and the Internet was then called the "Arpanet." My uncle had
an Arpanet teletype machine in his house and from that point on
I was hooked.

In 1994, when e-commerce was just starting to happen on the Net,
I opened my first business and acted as a software reseller. Now
I own my own Internet software company - Aesop dot com.

Our latest project is called ROIbot. With this, we started out
by asking "what does everyone doing business online really need
to be successful?" and we built tools that answered that

[Marty]: What are some keys to Internet success that you've

[Mark]: Two things: Testing and persistence.

There is so much advice out there... Some of it's very good,
some of it's horrible. To make matters worse - some of it may be
good advice for someone else, but bad advice for you.

So what do you do? You can test!

When you test, you know exactly what's working. And when you
know what's working, you can duplicate that success again and

Try some simple math. Imagine you have a website that is
generating one sale of your product for every 300 visitors. You
net $50 per sale.

If you get 3,000 visitors per month, you're making $500 per
month in net profit.

Then you test out 5 new websites and find one that gets you one
sale for every 50 visitors.

For the same traffic level, 3,000 visitors per month, you are
now earning $3,000 per month, rather than $500.

Here is where persistence comes in. You have to be willing to
try out different things and accept that most of what you try
will fail. If you keep trying, sooner or later you'll hit on
some winners.

Many make the mistake of trying out one thing and then giving up
when it doesn't work. You should just assume that your first
round out of your gun is going to be a dud. Accept it and keep

One problem with the Net is this - what may be working one day
could soon become obsolete! The only thing that stays consistent
is testing.

[Marty]: What specific types of online tools are you using

[Mark]: I mentioned ROIbot above. One of the many tools that
ROIbot gives you is a detailed tracking system that will allow
you to track and measure the results of your marketing - without

I don't do any marketing at all without using our ROIbot
tracking tools. I honestly can't sell a product that I don't use
personally. With ROIbot it's not a problem, as it's simply an
essential part of good marketing.

You're invited to check out the powerful Internet marketing
benefits that the collection of ROIbot tools offers by visiting

[Marty]: That's great advice, Mark. I'm always glad to run
across other marketers who appreciate the power of testing. I'm
also a ROIbot Pro user and know how helpful those tools can be.

As an Internet marketer myself, I've become very serious about
testing, and have created a different type of testing tool; one
that allows split run testing on web sites. It can be used in
tandem with ROIbot, and is described at:

What major mistakes do you see Internet entrepreneurs make?

[Mark]: Wow - there are so many. The biggest one is: "making
your site for you rather than for your customer." So many people
build sites that are shrines to themselves. Who cares, right?

People in general don't care about you - they care about
themselves. You've got about 2 seconds to get your visitor's
interest - or he will turn around and leave!

[Marty]: Do you have any other advice to those wanting to build
successful online businesses?

[Mark]: You bet - you're probably going to hear from everyone
that you're crazy. Don't listen to this!

I can't begin to tell you all of the "authoritative" statements
I've heard from nay-sayers:

"Your business model will never work."

"It's too late to start a new business on the Internet." (I
heard this early this year when I started ROIbot.)

"It costs millions of dollars to do business online" (A lie
perpetuated by those charging millions to set up online
businesses! Doing business on the Net is cheap if you do it

If I had listened to any of these statements I wouldn't have
nearly as much money as I do now.

And those that have said such things to me are making just what
they've always made. Bottom line.

[Marty]: Thanks for taking the time for this interview, Mark.

Related Help...

Mark Joyner is the author of 1001 Killer Internet Marketing
Tactics (
and creator of the ROIbot suite of Internet power tools
( Also check
out the resources Marty Foley offers for Internet success at:
( and (

About the Author

Marty Foley can help you rapidly grow your opt-in email
subscriber list NOW with the Opt-In List Builder Service at: Check out other
proven resources and strategies he offers for building your
low-risk, high-profit Internet biz, at:
and the proven, winning affiliate programs he reveals, at:


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