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THREE Amazing 'No where Found' Success secrets of Your Resou
by: Radhika Venkata

How to use the resource box at the end of your articles to your success. Three success tips on resource box...
Internet marketers write articles to submit to ezine publishers or content sites. By doing this their website or product get exposure and people reading the articles start coming to their website. This is a great and effective not to mention free type of advertising.

Article authors add Resource box at the end of articles. Resource box is a 4-6 line signature file that contains author's details.

Why Resource box is important?

Hey...It is giving you free advertising.When somebody reads your article, they will see your name and web site link at the end of the article. More chances of inviting visitors to your web site.

When ever your article is published on other web sites, it amazingly increases your link popularity in search engines.You know how the search engines love the web sites with good link popularity.

So what are the THREE amazing success secrets?

=====No 1 success secret:=====

'Don't try to sell your product or service through your resource box.'

Do I kidding? No way! Instead of keeping your product page link, provide some link to your free course or free subscription newsletter. This is a way of increasing your opt-in list. If you keep your product link, people come and see your product and they just go... You don't have a chance to follow up them.

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Which one pulls more traffic to your website? Certainly first one. Focus on getting subscribers through your resource box.

=====No 2 Success secret:=====

'Use the word 'FREE' in your resource box.'

People love to see the words free, bonus, discount etc. Offer something free from your web site. The idea behind this is to increase your subscribers base substantially.

Some freebies like:

-free email course

-free subscription to your newsletter with sign up bonuses

-free ebooks

-free membership access

-free trials of your product

-free ads

Any other ideas you get, offer from your resource box.

Simple rules on using the word FREE:

-Don't use more than once.

-Use it in capital letters

-If you want highlight it with ' * '(like **free**)

=====No 3 Success secret:=====

'Always keep a web site link in your resource box.'

What I mean to say is simple mailto link won't increase your link popularity. URL that starts with your '' counts for search engines. If you want to keep a subscribe link to your ezine keep a webpage URL. If you still want, you can keep mailto subscribe link also. But don't forget to include your URL.

This also leads visitors to your web site. If you provide email link, people subscribe from your resource box and chances of visiting your web site will be remote. If you keep URL link, they visit your web site to subscribe.

About the Author

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