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The Changing Face Of Internet Marketing
by: Karin Manning

It’s true.

If I were a negative person I would think that I’ve arrived too late…but perhaps I’ve arrived just in the nick of time.

I have spent many months reading EVERYTHING I could find on internet marketing. I purchased so many products that I received a phone call one night from Credit Card Fraud to check that my card hadn’t been used illegally as there were SO MANY transactions!

I’ve also joined what I consider to be a very good ebook reseller via a monthly fee giving me reprint rights to more ebooks than I could count, only to read on a discussion board of one of the most respected net gurus that it is now considered that ebook marketing is dead!

Well, what do you think I thought when I read that little beauty? Suffice it to say, it can’t be printed in this article.

My mind went frantic. Was all my research and hard work for nothing? What was I to do? I’d spent hundreds and hundreds of dollars (let’s leave it there shall we) in the past few months buying rights to products…reading obsessively (all before a website was even created) to be told that every ebook I now had rights to was, in effect, worthless?

It can’t be. Or can it? :O(

If it really IS dead is that a good thing or a bad thing?

Well, I do know one thing…it means HARD work. But I’ve never been afraid of hard work and I always seem to have done things the hard way so it is NO surprise to me that now that I’ve finally found what I’ve been looking for all my life everything has changed.

Who do we have to thank for this? Hmm, let me guess. Pirates who have stolen ebooks without permission and onsold them themselves (keeping the profits) and socalled ebook authors who have given the market a bad name by writing ebooks many consider “junk mail”, full of fluff and full of links, and seemingly making the industry worthless.

I am one of the biggest fans of viral marketing but perhaps we’ve inadvertently given people the impression that ebooks have little worth when we give them away free.

What happens now I believe will be a self-cleansing process – and for those serious internet marketers out there that is great news.

That means the flybynighters promising $100,000 in 2 months won’t last; the ebooks containing nothing more than jibberish and affiliate links won’t be read; and people throwing money at net businesses hand over fist will become more educated.

And now is our chance to educate those people that there ARE businesses on the net who are professional, dedicated, honest and extremely hardworking individuals who are here to stay.

And if times are changing, then we must change with them. If ebooks are now considered “dead” we have the uneasy task of re-educating our prospects and customers that, no, ebooks are not “dead”…but ebooks teaching nothing and offering nothing have had their day!

And that should be applauded because that means ebooks (in whatever format) filled with fresh, exciting profit pulling ideas can now stand up and be counted.

True, the road ahead will no doubt be harder than it was before and our boots will get many scuff marks along the way, but I have always enjoyed the road less travel and I hope many of you will join me on this interesting journey ahead.

Good luck and Good Business :O)

Copyright 2003. Karin Manning. All Rights Reserved. Karin Manning is the webmistress of To get some of Karin’s tips, tricks, techniques for FREE subscribe to the Net Wealth Newsletter. Subscribe by filling in the popup on entry at to receive your free bonuses.


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