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Be Better at Business – And Lose Weight, Too!
by: John M McKee
Many of the issues and challenges faced by managers and professionals are more similar than not to those of someone trying to lose weight in an effort to improve his or her health and wellness.

In business, individuals often secure the services of a success coach like myself to “fix” certain areas of their professional life. The desired fixes typically range from a desire for a promotion and/or a salary increase, to on-the-job performance enhancements, to improving one’s personal productivity, to boosting one’s level of enthusiasm about their job. Having coached literally hundreds of executives on how to improve their professional life, I recently came to the realization that many of the issues and challenges faced by aspiring professionals are more similar than not to those of someone trying to lose weight in an effort to improve his or her health and wellness. In short, both of these groups often seek someone or something that, with minimum effort, expense, and time, can get their situations fixed and on a desirable course for the long term. Like many challenges faced by business people looking to enhance their career path, those with weight-related challenges may also be failing to realize that the weight problem is actually a symptom of other, more deep-seated problems that are occurring elsewhere in their lives. In other words, the obstacles overweight and obese people face may, in fact, not necessarily be food-related at all, just as problems at work may have very little to do with what’s actually occurring on the job. In my practice,, I use an holistic process to assess all of the elements required to affect our client’s success in business, rather than analyzing what is likely a mere symptom. This exclusive process, known as The Four Windows Method takes into account the whole of an individual -- not just the obvious areas related to the problem at hand. Although created for use in a business context, The Four Windows Method is infinitely adaptable to those attempting to lose weight. With The Four Windows Method, health seekers can work through a series of actions designed to provide a status review of their life using four distinct windows. Unlike other coaching methods that are tactical in nature, your final analysis, and the action plan derived from this assessment, will be strategic, holistic, and all encompassing. When you move on to work toward weight-loss success, there will be No Walls to hold you back. This reasoned and methodical approach of The Four Windows Method will help you to understand where you are, what you want, and how to get there and you’ll be healthier, and happier, as a result."Losing weight rarely relates to simply implementing the ‘right diet’ or the ‘right workout’,” said Raphael Calzadilla, B.A., CPT, ACE and a Certified Personal Trainer. “From my extensive personal and professional health experience, I’ve learned that one must first understand the driving emotional and psychological forces in their life in order to make the required behavioral changes. McKee’s Four Windows Method is one such process. It can help health seekers get on the right emotional track, allowing them to more effectively work toward -- and reach -- their goal." About the Four Windows Method, Susan Burke MS, RD, LD/N, CDE noted, “It’s clear John McKee understands that weight loss encompasses much more than just food modification. His introspective Four Windows Method digs deeper in an attempt to uncover one’s true motivation for overeating, which has resulted in the ‘symptom’ of an overweight or obese condition. McKee’s Method is designed to achieve permanent behavioral change to achieve and maintain a healthy weight for the long term and, as such, it’s an effort that I wholeheartedly endorse.” By applying The Four Windows Process to your weight loss effort, you will surely be well on track toward improved health and wellness. To get a free a free PDF copy of The Method to try yourself go to:

John McKee, a certified business and executive coach, is the expert and visionary behind, an online destination for professionals who aspire to maximize their success in business. He can be reached through his web site at


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