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Auto Coverage In Alabama
by: Sher Matsen
If you live in Alabama and want to know what insurance you need read on. By speaking with car insurance agents online you will also be able to get car insurance estimates. Having the right coverage and getting it for the right price are important.

Bodily injury liability is required by law in Alabama. It provides coverage for damages to a person covered by the policy to pay for bodily injuries to other people involved in the accident when you are responsible. If you injure someone in an auto accident the liability can add up very quickly sometimes totaling into the hundreds of thousand of dollars. So you need to make sure you have adequate bodily injury liability coverage to protect yourself and your financial interests. Always purchase the highest amount you can afford. The more assets you have and the better off you are financially the more coverage you will need.

Property damage liability is also required by law in Alabama. This coverage protects the policy holder from damage caused to property when you are at fault. Property includes vehicles, houses, lamp posts and any other non human item. Here again you should purchase as much as you can afford. Remember some of these new cars are worth a lot of money and if you don’t have adequate insurance to replace the vehicle then the other party will come after your personal assets.

Uninsured motorist bodily injury is not required by law, but the law does require your rejection of coverage in writing. Since you have to buy insurance to protect yourself from financial loss for others you might as well buy some coverage to protect yourself too. Uninsured motorist bodily injury protects you if the other driver is in the wrong and does not carry adequate liability insurance. It’s a good policy to have.

Medical payments are not required by Alabama law. This coverage protects against medical expenses incurred as a result of an accident. Costs such as ambulance, x-ray, hospital visits are all covered. Whether you require this will depend on what type of medical insurance coverage you have. If your coverage has limitations you will want to carry medical payments coverage.

If your existing medical insurance has unlimited coverage you may not require this coverage. The only problem is that medical payments also covers passengers in your vehicle and if they don’t have adequate medical coverage you could be held liable for expenses and without medical payments coverage it could put you in the poor house.

Collision coverage is not required by law in Alabama. This is the coverage that helps pay for damage to an insured auto as a result of an accident even if you are in the wrong. The premiums can be reduced by choosing a higher deductible. This is the portion you are willing to pay before the insurance company starts to pay. Never choose a deductible that is higher than you can afford because the insurance company is not going to pay their portion until you come up with yours.

Comprehensive coverage is not required by law in Alabama. This coverage protects against damage to your vehicle that is not a result of an accident. For example, hail, theft, vandalism, or falling objects. Again you can reduce your premium by choosing a higher deductible.

There are also additional coverage you can purchase if needed. For example coverage for your stereo system, or loss of vehicle coverage. If you require any of these coverages check with an agent.

It is very important that you make certain you have adequate coverage. An accident occurs in just a split second and no matter how good of a driver you are you just never know when you might be involved in an accident. You certainly don’t want to risk the financial well being of yourself and your family by buying insurance carelessly. So take you time and make sure you understand the coverage you have purchased. Make sure you have adequate coverage for the laws of Alabama.

About the author:
Sher from The Auto Insurance Center has been serving customers for over 20 years. To find out how to save on your auto insurance Please visit us at

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