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Getting a Puppy Into Your Apartment
by: Amanda Baker
You’ve searched all over and finally found the perfect apartment. You’re so excited, until the owner tells you that he does not permit dogs on the premises. You heart breaks, although you know that you should have checked for this provision before you started looking. However, all may not be lost. All building owners do not have absolute pet policies. There are ways that you can work to convince even the most skeptical landlord that you will be a responsible pet owner.

In instances like this, money speaks loudest of all. Be sure to explain to your potential landlord that you will offer to make an additional deposit to cover pet damages. If the landlord allows a lease for your dog, add a clause indicating that you will pay for all damages, but you can also be specific in this clause by specifying that you will steam clean the carpets and stating the amount of the security deposit that will be additional because of your pet.

When you first speak to the landlord, mention that you are a pet owner. If the landlord seems unsure, ask if you can bring your dog along with you. The landlord may be more willingly convinced if your dog is well behaved on the visit. Also bring along a doggie “resume”, listing any certifications, obedience schools, and references of people that can attest to your dog’s good behavior. It may seem silly, but your willingness to prove his worth will make a positive impression on any potential landlord.

If the landlord is unconvinced, find out why and address the issues. Adding clauses to the lease agreement regarding your responsibility will help your case. Look into getting liability injury coverage for your dog, as this will certainly clear the landlord’s mind should he or she have issues with the possibility of your dog biting someone.

After trying all of these, you may still sense a bit of skepticism. This is when you should back out of the arrangement and look for another property. Getting involved with a landlord who is closed-minded about approving a pet owner as a tenant is a very big mistake. You may move out to find that the landlord would blame any problem in the apartment, even routine maintenance issues, on your pet. Getting any money from your security deposit will likely be a major issue, if not downright impossible. Do not put yourself or your dog in this situation. Move on to the next landlord who will be willing to grant you a lease for your dog. No apartment is worth causing problems with your very best friend – your pet.

About the author:
Amanda Baker writes for All Things

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