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Make More Money Self-Publishing Special Reports
by: J. Stephen Pope

You CAN succeed in your own information empire. Self-publishing
valuable, how-to information is in great demand by people
today. In today`s busy society, people are pressed for time.
They need concise, simplified, practical information. They will
pay dearly for it if it will improve the quality of their lives.

Even if you have never written for money before, you can do so
if you apply the information in this report. Lack of formal
education should not deter you. Large sums of cash are not
required. What is required is the application of the
information in this report.

You must have more than good intentions, though. Your strong
desire to succeed, not only in making money, but in making a
difference in other peoples` lives, will motivate you. Then,
following through, you will execute your planned tasks to reach
your goal.


Information can be sold on the basis of its value. For example,
if you could receive a thousand dollar tax-free grant, would you
pay ten dollars for that information? Most persons would.
They`d be $990.00 ahead. Yet, that information might fit on one
printed page. So, the cost of producing the information has
almost no relationship to the value of the information. Thus,
the potential for high markups and profits exist in this business.

Information products (unlike other hard goods like cars,
refrigerators, et cetera) are relatively light and so incur
lower shipping costs. In fact, the post office gives
preferential treatment for shipping books.

You could sell other peoples` products, but then you would not
have control over your business. At any time, your suppliers
could change their commission structure, let your competitors
sell the product, or even discontinue your relationship. If you
own your own proprietary product, your own copyrighted
information product, no one can legally sell it without your
permission. You control its production, promotion, and


A Special Report (sometimes called a folio) is a written
document of from one to several pages on a specialized subject
of interest to certain readers. It should be concise and
practical information of value to a particular audience. It
might be professionally bound with a cover and personalized for
the reader or it might just be a few pages stapled together or
it may even take the form of a computer file or electronic
book. This publication is an example of a Special Report.

Books and booklets must be produced in certain minimum
quantities. This is fine, when you`re well-established
financially. However, Special Reports can be produced on
demand, one copy at a time, if necessary. This means that if you
receive one order, you can publish it from your home computer by
simply printing a copy of your file.

Even if you have no computer, you could type one copy of your
report and have it photocopied as required. This results in
virtually no money being tied up in inventory. You spend money
only when you receive orders.

Books are lengthier and require more time and effort to
produce. Therefore, it will take you longer to make money from
your efforts. A Special Report, being only a few pages long on
the average, is a product you can develop and produce quickly
and economically.

Many customers will appreciate the concise treatment of a
particular subject in a Special Report. They could pay forty
dollars for a complete book on home-based businesses, but maybe
they just want information on self-publishing.

Perhaps they have already bought books on How To Publish Your
Own Book, but the area of Special Reports wasn`t really
covered. For a few dollars (and often for considerably less
expense than a book), they can get the essential information
they need to accomplish their goal.

If time is money, then your customer will really appreciate your
to-the-point consideration of his selected subject. You are not
being paid by the word; you are being paid for results.

As you write further Special Reports in your area of expertise
and interest, you will find you will have a number of products
to sell, instead of just one. Then, you will have diversified
your income, having developed multiple income sources. Instead
of making money only when you are working, these products could
generate passive income for years to come. While on vacation or
while sleeping, orders could be coming in for these products you

As well, a series of Special Reports or folios on related
subjects could be combined later to produce a book. If, for
example, you produced twelve different folios on various ways of
making money from self-publishing, they could be combined in a
book on the same subject.

Thus, Special Reports can be used as the basis for creating
other information products, such as books, booklets, audio
cassettes, videos, courses, software, speeches, website content,
electronic books, business kits, and so on. The more products
you have and the more choices you offer your customer, the more
income streams you will generate for yourself.


Of course, it is natural that you would want to write about
something that is of interest to you. However, is what you are
writing about of interest to others? You may be an excellent
poet, but the market is very limited for poetry.

On the other hand, practical and simple "how-to" information
sells. As an example, you presumably bought this report to
accomplish a number of objectives. First of all, you wanted to
make more money. Secondly, you wanted to learn how to create
valuable information of use to others, so that they could pay
you for it.

Is there a market for moneymaking information like this? You
bet there is! Just check out the business opportunity magazines
at the newstands to see that this is true. Use internet search
engines to find moneymaking or other how-to subjects and to
learn about what your competitors are doing.

The key to making money from your self-published information is
to write on a subject that is of interest and benefit to your
reader. There must be a sufficient number of persons interested
in your subject in order for you to justify the time and expense
required to undertake writing about it.

You must be able to reach these persons economically (through
the internet, magazines, or other means). Most important, what
you write should address a concern, want or need of your
reader. Provide the benefits implied in your title and
advertising. Provide good value for the money charged, and your
customers will be happy and buy other products from you.


It is likely that you already possess information, knowledge,
and skills in areas of interest to others. Meditate on what you
already know. Sometimes we assume that other people already
know what we know. This is not the case. If this knowledge can
help others save money, increase their income, improve their
health, be better liked, improve their happiness, or give some
other important benefit, you can use this knowledge as the basis
of producing your information product.

As well as your own expertise, you can consult other sources to
add to your knowledge. Research at the public library, in
bookstores, on the internet, through personal interviews of
experts, and by taking educational courses on your chosen
subject will all help you develop additional expertise needed to
write your folio.

As for writing ability and skill, practice makes perfect. Get
constructive criticism from others. Have a friend proofread
your report. Check your grammar and spelling. Use simple
sentences. Don`t get too complicated or you`ll lose most of
your readers.

Use of a personal computer will help you immensely. Prepare
your document in text format so that you can use your
information in different formats, such as for your website, in
electronic books, for e-mailing to a printer, et cetera. If you
wish, you may export a copy of the text file you used to prepare
your own Special Report to a word processing program to format
it for printing. Only print the copies needed to fill orders.

Writing any information product requires self-discipline. You
must find a suitable time to write each day. Buy out the time
from less important activities such as TV viewing or idle
conversation. If you have specific goals and stick to them and
your schedule, you are likely to accomplish your objective of
making more money with self-published special reports.

If, for example, your goal is to produce one Special Report per
week, you will need to schedule the required time for research,
then writing, editing and corrections.

Be realistic about your goals. If you can only produce one
special report per month, don`t be discouraged. Adjust your
goals to what reasonably can be accomplished. Just think!
Producing only one Special Report per month would produce a line
of twelve different products in a year and could form the basis
of a newly published book!


Writing, although hard work and akin to giving birth, is only
part of the battle. Now you need to sell your Special Reports.

Remember, you didn`t just write on any subject that interested
you. You deliberately chose a subject that was marketable. You
wrote a subject others were interested in. Otherwise, you
wouldn`t be able to sell it.

Whether you use a website, magazine ads, direct mail or other
methods of advertising and promoting your Special Reports, make
sure that all your communications stress the benefits to the
target reader. They must be convinced that your folio is a
product that is needed by them and is worth the money.

Don`t forget to take advantage of free publicity for your
products. Send press releases and try to get your publication
reviewed or featured as a new product in appropriate magazines
or other media.

Special Reports can be adapted as articles that you can offer
for sale to magazines. Some consultants and professionals use
Special Reports to promote their own business and to establish
credibility as experts in a certain field.


From small beginnings come big things. Your following through
on the information in this report could result in many
benefits. A steady production of appropriate Special Reports
will give you control and ownership of profitable products in
high demand. These products can create income for years after
they are produced. They can also form the basis of other
products: books, audio tapes, videos, courses, internet content,
software, and other salable, unique products. Establish your
credibility as a respected expert in your field.

Don`t delay; follow through. Best wishes to you in building a
profitable and enjoyable information empire!

About the author:
J. Stephen Pope, President of Pope Consulting Inc.,
has been helping
clients to earn maximum business profits for over
twenty-five years.

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