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Writing Tip - Can We See From Where The Conflict Arises?
by: Nick Vernon
The conflict in your story will run through your story’s length, till it’s time resolves it. In the duration of the story, you will show what the conflict is, what is happening because of the conflict and how it came about to be a conflict.

If the conflict is between two characters, you will show both sides of the story and when you do this, we will see why they clash.

The clash happens because person number one thinks he’s right and person number two thinks he’s right.

Or if the conflict comes from the character himself, the clash is created because he has to make a choice and both sides are equally as important to him.

So a clash arises when there are two sides to things.

To allow readers to participate and decide for themselves which party they will side with, you’ll have to show both sides of the argument. This will also build suspense because readers want to find out who or what will win in the end.

Let’s take a look at a few examples…

1. In the first example we are going to take a conflict, which is created between two characters:

Your two main characters are managers who work for a company. The company is isolated from any shops. Manager A believes they should get a vending machine with snacks. Manager B is against this.

During the story we will see what actions character A takes to pull the proposal through and what actions character B does to stop it.

Now, for readers to decide which character to side with, they have to know the full story. They have to know each character’s reasons for wanting or not wanting the vending machine. This is showing the reader how the conflict arose.

So let’s show our reader.

Character A wants the vending machine because he’s considerate of the employees. Because there are no shops around, he feels there should be something from which the employees can purchase a snack.

Character B doesn’t want the vending machine because he believes the workers will abuse the privilege. He believes they will waste the company’s time by going to the vending machine to buy snacks and then waste more time to eat them.

So we have stated where the conflict arose and the reader can now decide whom to side with.

Let’s see another example now…

2. The conflict is created in the character’s mind:

Your character works in a factory as a cleaner. He wins the lottery and decides to give some of the money to his colleagues (people that over the years have become his very good friends.)

The conflict arises because he doesn’t have enough money to give to everyone. What are his options then?

Option one:

Does he give the money only to those that really need it and risk dissatisfaction from those that don’t receive anything?

Option two:

Does he keep all the money for himself and risk dissatisfaction from everyone?

We have given both sides to the argument. We have shown where the conflict arose. What would you do?

Show your readers both sides of the argument and allow them to participate in your story.

About the author:
Besides his passion for writing, Nick Vernon runs an online gift site where you will find gift information, articles and readers funny stories. Visit

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