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5 Tips to Heat Up Your On-Line Marketing Using Off-Line Tactics
by: Denise Ryder
The internet of course brings a huge arena of marketing
opportunities for you. The ability to do business with people
around the world has now been made readily available through
a web site and email. It truly has leveled the playing field and
has provided ALL of us with the opportunity of taking our business
to the global level.

How powerful is that!!

While everyone is focusing on their "eBusiness" they are missing
the potential that exists in using off line marketing approaches to
boost their online marketing efforts.

Here are five things you can do to heat up your efforts.


Actually if you are already using Articles as a marketing tactic
for your on line marketing efforts, use the same articles for off
line publications as well. Publishers regardless of the fact they
are on or off line are ALL looking for good, valuable content.


You know the effects that advertising on line can have for your
business. You already have an ad that pulls for you on line. Then
why not give it a shot off line and see if you can tap into another
possible market.

Again, with the local newsletters in your community and any small
business groups there are. Check out their rates and start using
off line advertising to generate some exposure from off line

Remember that you have to pay for this advertising so in that
regard, advertising in something that you can afford and afford
for a long period of time.


By attending a networking mixer you are getting the best of both
worlds. You get the chance to get out and break out of that bubble
AND you also get to spread the word about your business by talking
with others!!

Depending upon the format, many of these mixers are of a referral
nature. Meaning they allow only one business from each industry
and through each member's dealings if they find someone looking
for your service or product... then you will
get a referral to follow up on.

Business Cards

A business card can end up in more places than you can even
dream possible. They are a cost effective marketing tool. How
many places do you go to on a regular basis where you could
just leave a few business cards on a counter??? Now even if
you are an eBusiness owner you can still use this to your

Here are a few things to consider when getting your cards done.

1. Do not go with black printing on a white card. It screams cheap
and newbie. If money is tight, understandable, but go for a coloured
card stock with a matching coloured print. It is still inexpensive and
it doesn't scream new, or "Herb Tarlick" marketing practices.

2. Include your business name, contact name, phone number, site
address, web site address and of course your address. If for
security reasons you don't want to include your home address
then that's fine. However, make sure you have ALL possible ways
for a potential customer to do business with you.

3. USE THE BACK OF THE CARD...what a waste of potential
marketing opportunities. So many people forget about this. A
business card is a mini- billboard...use it ALL. On the back you
could have a few tips and then the email address to your
autoresponder for them to get more info. I had an Accountant
use the back of her card by providing all the applicable phone
numbers to all the tax offices that a business owner would need.
Another client of mine is a travel agent and he included all the
1-800 numbers for the prime airlines and car rental agencies. The
idea is to make your card a keeper ;o)

Business Alliances

Ok, on line we refer to these as Joint Ventures, Business Alliances
is the same thing, but only the name has been changed.

Leverage yourself by finding another business owner off line,
where you can set up an alliance and piggy back each other's
marketing efforts. This one takes a little time and effort to set
up, but, once it is again you are tapping into prospects that would
never have found you otherwise.

There you go, five quick tips and in some regards you can use the
same tactic in both on and off line why not???

About the author:
Denise Ryder is a Marketing Coach and is owner of ProfitSpace
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how to turn a mundane sign up process into a profit-puller for
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