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10 Successful Strategies To Site Promotion
by: Rhonda White
Internet Marketing Tips for Moms

1. Generate Traffic. To generate a lot of traffic to your site and gain recognition, you need to promote in as many places as you possibly can. Do not throw all your advertising dollars in only one or two spots. Try to determine or ask the amount of traffic they are generating. Sites generating huge traffic often require higher advertising rates. Be aware; however, that some sites requesting high advertising rates, may not necessarily be generating that much traffic. There are many sites out there that really offer a great deal and do not charge high rates. To generate more traffic find as many free places to advertise as you possibly can.

2. Target the Right Market. Try to find sites that target the type of audience you are marketing to. Example: Someone selling baby products should advertise at baby sites, mommy sites, networks, groups and forums where mommies hang out and visit frequently. Just because you may be a work-at-home mom doesn't mean you have to limit yourself to just advertising at "WAHM" sites. Place your focus mainly where your targeted market will be, but find all similar possibilities to target as well. Example: If you sell educational products to career-minded young people, you would want to focus where young people of this age visit frequently, but you can also search for a few places to network where moms may visit who have teens getting ready to graduate from high school.

3. Visit Mom Sites. Spend time visiting other sites by moms and see where they are advertising. If they are displaying a banner on their site referring to some directory or networking site this gives you a clue that they may have exchanged links or listed in their directory for free in exchange for displaying their banner. Exchanging links with websites of similar content and products as yours will help with your search engine rankings and once again target your market. While you are visiting other sites by moms, be sure to sign their guest book while you are there. Many guest books allow you to add your website's url.

4. Use the Search Engines. Use Google and Yahoo and do a search for "Free Advertising", "List your URL", "Add your URL", "Add your Site", "Free Site Promotion", etc. Also include keywords you use for marketing your site. Just be cautious before spending money with any new sites you haven't heard of before. You will probably be surprised at how many sites you find that still offer free advertising.

5. Go Local. There is a HUGE competition going on all over the internet especially for those who are promoting websites with direct sales. "Local" is gaining popularity...and for a good reason. If I decided to start buying Avon, for example, I would probably prefer to buy from someone locally. Use the search engines to do a search for free classified ads in your city and nearby locations. See if you can find any local networks, groups, forums, portals, directories, etc.

6. Write Articles or Ebooks. You don't have to be a professional writer. Just find some great content, some interesting facts, some helpful hints, etc. Your article does not have to be very long at all. To get better results, write more frequent short articles than just a couple of big long ones now and then. Be sure to include your name and website at the end. If you offer a newsletter, promote it as well. After you write your article, submit it to as many places as you possibly can. Give permission to others to use your articles as long as they include your name and website address.

7. Start a Newsletter. Newsletters are a great way to generate repeat traffic. It reminds your customer or interested visitors about your site when they receive your newsletter. In your newsletter, be sure to encourage your subscribers to forward your newsletter to a friend. Include information about how they can easily subscribe to your newsletter. Offering your subscribers a chance to win a free gift will often help you receive more signups.

8. Add Content. Content helps get repeat visits to your site. Sites become stale without new content. If you have a site that you can edit, use plenty of good content, especially using keywords that the search engines will pick up particularly targeting your audience that you are marketing too. If you don't have time to do this, there are lots of sites that offer "free content" and "free articles". Just do a search on the search engines to locate them. You can use their content for your site instead of trying to write your own content.

9. Partner with Someone. Working at home can begin to seem like a long lonesome journey. Find someone you can connect with and trust. Exchange front page links or banners and help each other promote your businesses. You could even add your partner to your signature. For example, under your name and link place: Partner, Sherry - Have your partner do the same for you. Write and promote a newsletter together; manage a networking group together. Partners can encourage each other and make the marketing road a little smoother.

10. Read and Learn. Marketing is an endless task that must be done to generate sales. The best tip I can give is to read and learn all you can about marketing and sales. You can do this on the internet as well as your local library. Find someone who is successful and get some of their best tips. If possible, set aside at least an hour or two each day promoting your business. Many people make the mistake of thinking they can create a website and traffic will automatically arrive. It just doesn't happen. Behind each successful site is a hard worker who labored away to advertise and promote. You can do it too!

About the author:
Rhonda White

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