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Your Body Building Workout Routine Not Working For You Anymore?
by: Tony Farrell
When you come up with your Body Building
Workout Routine, you generally stick with that
routine for quite some time. You'll find that, at first,
your body building workout routine is great and you seem to be getting a lot out of it. Therefore
progress is being made.

When it comes to bodybuilding - No. I got that
wrong, when it comes to any form of fitness the
progress slows down. As you increase your muscle size, fitness level or body tone, you seem to get to
a stage where progress is minimal. And
sometimes at a standstill.

You may think to yourself...

"This is a useless body building workout routine. I
feel downhearted. Maybe it's time to pack it in"

All I can say to you is... DON'T.

The problem is that initial gains from a starting a
workout routine are tremendous. But you can only
go so far. You can't keep progressing at super
giant leaps, as you did at the start. So whether
you're body building, increasing fitness aerobically
or seeking out overall body tone... don't despair.
Keep at it.

Having said all that, there is a solution.
Yep, there sure is. And it's pretty simple too.

You see, the body gets used to doing things. It
adapts to change. So when you initially began your
body building workout routine, you made
significant progress for two reasons:

1. You may not have been fit in the first place.
Therefore at this point, your body building workout
routine would have had a major impact at first.

2. Your body adapts to your routine. It becomes
used to the exercises that you perform. Therefore
making them less effective.

The Solution -
Change your body building workout routine.

That's the solution. Pretty simple, huh.

See, when a new exercise is introduced to you
workout routine, your body building progress
increases. Why?

Because the body hasn't learned to adapt to your
new exercise yet, Therefore making that new part
of your workout more effective. This results in an
increase in strength and size, or fitness and
overall body tone, depending on your goals in the
first place.

That's all there is to it. Change the exercise.

But wait --

Don't change the whole workout routine if it's not
necessary. The reason is that out of the whole
regime, there may still be some exercises that you
feel produce the results you require. If this is the
case, don't change that exercise if it's working. The
only change, in that case, is to increase the
challenge of that exercise. Maybe increase the
weight being used.

Only change an exercise if you reckon that you're
not making any progress on. Work a new exercise
into your body building workout routine. Check the
results and keep it there if it continues to work.

Eventually all your exercises will change, and not
just once. This will be a continuous process.
Months later, the exercise that didn't work back
then, may work now.

Essentially, keep the initial exercises for about five
to eight weeks. At that stage if your progress is
good, keep on doing that routine. After a while, if
you haven't already, your progress will reduce.

At that stage, change the appropriate exercises
where you feel that progress is diminishing. Keep
a constant eye on your body building workout
routine. And keep adapting and changing,
adapting and changing, regularly.

About the author:
Tony Farrell makes it easier for you to achieve your muscle and fitness goals. Learn the essential 3 keys to paving the way to your goals. Get your free mini-course now.

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