Home>SWIMMING>Gettysburg Swim Team Shares Statement On Athlete Carving Racial Slur Onto Teammate
Gettysburg Swim Team Shares Statement On Athlete Carving Racial Slur Onto Teammate

Gettysburg Swim Team Shares Statement On Athlete Carving Racial Slur Onto Teammate


The Gettysburg College swim team has released a statement after a swimmer on the team reportedly scratched a racial slur onto the body of a teammate. The incident was first reported by The Gettysburgian, on Sept. 18, with the university confirming that two students had been suspended and there was an ongoing college investigation into the matter.

The family of the student who had the slur carved on them spoke out through the paper, sharing that their son was one of the students “dismissed (not suspended)” from the team. The family also said, “This reprehensible act was committed by a fellow student-athlete, someone [their son] considered his friend.”

In the swim team’s statement, which was posted to the college’s athletics website on Wednesday, the athletes “acknowledge the past few weeks have been extraordinarily difficult for many people within our campus community and beyond…as a swim team, both collectively and as individuals, these days have been some of the hardest of our lives.”

The team emphasized that the incident “was not tied to the team” as it did not take place at a team-sanctioned event and was neither hazing nor a team-endorsed action.

“Racism has no home here–neither at Gettysburg College nor on our team. We stand united in condemning the actions that took place. We know the character of this team. We believe in our team. To sit in silence while our reputation has been unjustly smeared has been agonizing…This incident does not reflect our values or who we are.”

In the statement, the team expressed appreciation for President Bob Iuliano acknowledging in that it was upperclassmen on the team who first reported the incident. In a school-wide communication on Sept. 23, Iuliano wrote “the student conduct investigation affirmed that the incident is not a byproduct of an unhealthy athletic team culture or a reflection on the team itself; rather, we see in the captains the measure of what it means to be a Gettysburgian by their notification to their coaches.”

The previous day, Vice President of College Life Anne Erlich sent an email to the school community stating that the student responsible for cutting the slur into another student is no longer enrolled at Gettysburg.

A joint statement between the family of the student who had the slur carved on them and the college released shortly after Erlich’s email confirmed the person who did the carving is no longer at Gettysburg. “The College had previously made a commitment to the family that once the investigation was nearing its completion, we would work with them about how most constructively to move forward,” the joint statement read. “Those conversations have already begun and will continue. Both parties understand that this process will take time and are committed to working together.”

The family also reiterated, “in reaction to comments made to the press by the Gettysburg Police Department, that they are aware they retain the right to pursue local, state and federal charges.”

The statement makes no mention of whether any involved parties have been allowed to resume team activities.

The swim team’s statement is in full below, as is the full joint statement between the victim’s family and the College, which originally appeared in The Gettysburgian.

Gettysburg Swim Team Full Statement (Sept. 25):

“Given the intense focus surrounding the recent events on campus, the Gettysburg College Swim Team feels compelled to address the incident directly.

“We acknowledge the past few weeks have been extraordinarily difficult for many people within our campus community and beyond. Our hearts are with everyone who has been directly and indirectly affected by this. The pain and anguish caused by the heinous act that occurred, and the media coverage that has followed, have affected people far and wide. As a swim team, both collectively and as individuals, these days have been some of the hardest of our lives.

“The national spotlight has unfortunately led some to believe that our team, or the culture within our team, is complicit in the racist incident that took place. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

“Earlier this week, the College confirmed that fact: “The student conduct investigation affirmed that the incident is not a byproduct of an unhealthy athletic team culture or a reflection on the team itself; rather, we see in the captains the measure of what it means to be a Gettysburgian by their notification to their coaches.”

“Racism has no home here—neither at Gettysburg College nor on our team. We stand united in condemning the actions that took place.

“We know the character of this team. We believe in our team. To sit in silence while our reputation has been unjustly smeared has been agonizing. It has hurt deeply to see something we love so much be wrongfully associated with something so vile.

“To be clear and as President Iuliano has confirmed: this incident was not tied to the swim team. It was not a team-sanctioned event. It was not hazing. It was not endorsed by our team. This incident does not reflect our values or who we are.

“We are grateful to the Gettysburg Swim Team coaching staff and The Office of the President for their handling of this situation. In recognizing us in their statement, they commended the upperclassmen of the swim team for reporting the incident and affirmed that the act does not represent our team’s values. Thank you.

“In a few weeks, we will return to the pool, as determined as ever. We will represent this College with pride, both in and out of the water. We will emerge from this a stronger, more united team, and, as many others have said, our campus has the potential to become a stronger institution because of it.”

-The Gettysburg College Swim Team

Joint Statement Between Victim’s Family and College (Sept. 22):

“The investigation is nearing its conclusion, and we can report now that the individual who scratched a slur onto another person is no longer enrolled at the College.

“On Friday, the family of the complainant in this investigation submitted a statement to the Gettysburgian. In that statement, the family began to outline some of the nuances and complexities of this case and acknowledged the importance of a full investigation. Gettysburg College has appreciated the family’s willingness to allow us to see the investigation through.

“The College had previously made a commitment to the family that once the investigation was nearing its completion, we would work with them about how most constructively to move forward. Those conversations have already begun and will continue. Both parties understand that this process will take time and are committed to working together.

“The College and the family both recognize the gravity and seriousness of this situation and hope it can serve as a transformative moment for our community and beyond. To point back to the statement in the Gettysburgian from the family:

“‘Rather, our intent is that — in some small way — a heinous act can serve as a transformative moment for Gettysburg College to live up to its ideals of diversity, inclusion and justice; to celebrate the College’s maxim to: ‘Do Great Work.’  We pray that together we can arouse a collective conscience promoting healing and help bring about justice for our son and the rest of the Gettysburg College community.’

“The family also wishes to reiterate, in reaction to comments made to the press the Gettysburg Police Department, that they are aware they retain the right to pursue local, state and federal criminal charges in this matter.”


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