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Fitness Components For Golf
by: Mike Pedersen
The fitness components for golf are a select few, but they are critical to a golfers success. The golf swing is a physically demanding movement on the human body. It involves coordination, balance, stability, muscular strength and endurance, and dynamic sequence of motion just to name a few.

Do you think a body that is physically broken can accomplish a mechanically sound repeatable swing?

Based on the physical requirements of a mechanically good golf swing…NO way! It is a physical impossibility to have a repeatable swing for 18 holes unless…you’ve implemented the fitness components for golf within a consistent program.

When you isolate your golf swing muscles…stretch and strengthen them…and improve the efficiency of sequencing your motions throughout the swing…you will no doubt be a massively improved golfer for the long term.

Isn’t that what you’re really looking for?

I’m sure you don’t expect to be a single digit golfer if you’re currently a 20 handicap. But wouldn’t it be nice to shoot in the low 80’s once in a while? How about consistently? It’s a reality if you take the fitness approach for golf.

For most of you in the U.S. it’s winter time. There’s no better time than RIGHT NOW to start implementing the fitness components for golf into your routine. You’ve got the extra time…and you DO want to play better next spring right?

Then get to it!

If I seem to be yelling…I AM! I really want you to listen to what I’m saying and apply it. Don’t be overwhelmed…I’m here in the flesh to help you in any way I can.

It’s my lifelong passion to educate golfers on the importance of the machine (body) in optimal golf performance.

Work on the “machine” and your game will skyrocket!

I played with a gentleman the other day that had every limitation in the book. And guess what? He could barely get the ball airborne. He was SO frustrated and embarrassed. I took him aside and gave him a little pep talk.

We only had a few holes left and I told him to RELAX and let his muscles do the work…with no thought at all.

I’m not kidding you…he parred the next hole (his first par of the day). Bogeyed the next (but he was still happy). And parred the very last hole! It was like night and day.

He had SO much tension in his swing…he had no chance to created any torque and power. I gave him my card after the round…an low and behold…he went home and bought ALL my golf fitness dvds AND my manual.

I personally called him and spent another 30 minutes on the phone with him.

He is now on his way to implementing the fitness components for golf into his “daily” life.

I tell you this story to give you hope!

Don’t give up!

It’s not too late!

Hang in there and work on your machine. Trust me on this. It’s critical you pay attention to the fitness components for golf.

About The Author: Mike Pedersen is one of the top golf performance swing trainers in the country. Golf Magazine's expert at, author and founder of several cutting-edge online golf performance sites. Take a look at his just released golf performance dvds and manual at his golf fitness training site - Perform Better Golf.

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The golf swing is a physically demanding movement. Until golfers realize this, their pursuit of the perfect swing will never be achieved. Mike Pedersen is President/CEO Perform Better Golf which offers golf training dvds, manual and equipment. Get Mike's free Fit To A Tee ebook by subscribing at


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