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Reclaiming Self: Making Time For Yourself
by: Jan Hornford
It often seems that our days are engulfed in a myriad of tasks. Today we have many responsibilities and many roles - spouse, parent, sibling, child, friend, and career worker. Do you find you lose yourself in your relationships, in your nurturing roles, and in the busyness of life? Does it seem like your life has become a series of tasks to complete, rather than moments to enjoy? We often get so caught up in the DOING that we forget to BE.

Usually the first thing to go in this whirlwind of activity is time for ourselves. Lack of time for ourselves often leads to feeling frustrated, tired, overwhelmed and out of balance. Without this time for self, we lose sight of what's important to us and of what we need to be our best.

If you are feeling like life is out of control, that you are undervalued, that you are too busy, or if you put the needs of others consistently before your own, then it is time to create some time and space for yourself. Taking time for yourself allows you to renew, heal, and create reserves of energy and peace. Honouring yourself enables you to discover your truth, access your creativity and experience a sense of peace, wholeness, purpose, and balance.

Taking time for yourself is really about Self-Care and is an extremely important component to creating the life you want. It is about honouring yourself and connecting with yourself. Taking care of yourself is one of the first steps on the journey of discovering your truth and accessing your creativity. When you take time for yourself it allows you to stop doing for awhile and to just BE. It is in the Being where your power lies. You automatically raise your standards and capabilities and create potential and possibility in your life. When you honour and nurture yourself you can hear your inner voice much more clearly - you can hear your own truth and this connection enables you to live authentically.

In order to make time for yourself consider the following. Write the answers down on a piece of paper or in your journal or notebook.

Coaching Questions

* How could it be a gift to others to take time for yourself?
* What would it take to make time for yourself a priority?
* What activities bring you joy or nurture you?
* What is keeping you from doing the things that energise and inspire you?
* How can you bring more of these simple treats into your day?

Take Action

Commit to doing one activity from the list you created each day for the next week.

Each day take 5 minutes for yourself. Find a quiet place where you can sit and not be disturbed. Close your eyes and simply follow the path of your breath. Just focus on your breath. If other thoughts come in, just let them go. If you find this difficult at first, then focus on repeating the affirmation "I am happy and peaceful". Quieting your mind and body and focusing on the breath will help to change your emotional state and provide your soul with a peaceful respite from the busyness of your day.

Time for yourself does not have to take half a day or come at someone else's expense. In fact, taking the time to replenish and nurture yourself will give you more energy and you will be better able to support those you love. It is often the simple things that can make the biggest difference. For example, sitting in your favourite chair and sipping a cup of tea, going for a walk, or listening to your favourite music. I encourage you to carve out 15 minutes for yourself each day to do something that nurtures you and brings you joy. Try it as an experiment for one week and see what changes for you. Reclaim your Self! When you do, you will experience a sense of peace, renewal, and connection.

I offer a variety of e-courses and e-retreats that are designed to help you Reclaim your Self and experience the peace and sense of wholeness that comes from knowing your purpose and living authentically.

About the author:

Jan Hornford is a Life Coach & Retreat Leader whose passion is to help individuals re-connect with their own wisdom and power and to support them to create the life they want. Her retreats offer the opportunity to experience joyful self-care, connection, and possibility. For more information, please take a look at her website: https://www.futureperfect.caOr, call her: 403-313-4064 For more information about the free 4 week e-course: "Living Authentically: Honouring Your Truth in Everyday Life" visit:

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