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Business Success With Money Back Guarantee
by: Lil Waldner
An email writer has asked recently, why there is no money back guarantee on a certain advertised website. There are a lot of online offers with a money back guarantee. Thus many people expect a money back guarantee on offered solutions.

Money Back Guarantee As Bait?

You also might have read such kind of advertisment: “Make $ 100,000 a year – guaranteed” The website of this home business solution offers to remit you the money, if you do not succeed after a year. It’s even possible that this kind of turn-key website of a home business has worked in the early days of the internet. The readers can be sure that it does not work longer in these days. Anyway this kind of offers still are advertised. The suppliers just hope that the people forget to claim their rights after a year. If you look around these websites, you even may detect some warnings in forums that the people claim in vain their money.

There are tools for search engine optimization and a lot of further make money or extra income opportunities offered with a money back guarantee. Some of them may remit some money for failures, but most of them hope for forgetful customers. The money back guarantee is rather a clever bait to boost sales than a serious consumer protection.

It is difficult to claim money back from businesses, where the ownership sits thousands of miles away. It even can happen that a letter to a physical address of an attractive home business website bounces, because nobody is there. Only a recorded voice answers telephone calls. This shows the obstacles of getting the guaranteed money back in the online business world. It is not worthwhile to acquire a solicitor to get some dozens or hundreds of Dollars back. This is the reason that people do not really insist on a promised money back guarantee.

There Is No Risk Free Business Opportunity

The reality is: There is no risk free business opportunity. The higher the yield – the higher the risk. There are promising opportunities, but they are rare and they can be found by accident after doing a lot of researches, trial and error tests.

Where Does A Money Back Guarantee Make Sense?

This article does not state that consumer protection is worthless. It is very important in our consumer society. It is, however, difficult to execute consumer rights in the weakly regulated global world wide web. It makes sense to have a warranty on goods, e.g. cars, TV sets, laundry machines etc. There is a reliable physical address of the supplier. Law and social control are very effective in this field.

Common Sense Is Needed

The best advice is to decide with common sense about a home based business or make money opportunity in the internet. Promising opportunities to earn extra money still evolve in the internet. Furthermore: Persistence and patience are important preconditions for success. How many people give up too early in frustration, because they expect to get quick rich easily?

About the author:
Lil Waldner is a business economist. She is experienced in project management and marketing. She has worked as editor of newspapers and she has written booklets and essays with economic and public issues. Visit the web site: Make Money Tip

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