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Dedication is essential to your home business success
by: Itsik tzur
What is dedication?
The definition in the dictionary is:
"The act of dedicating or the state of being dedicated".
Have you ever been in a situation were things weren't going the way you wanted or expected?
What did you do?
Did you decide to give up or did you decide to keep on giving it everything you've got?
Most home business entrepreneurs start their new venture feeling positive and excited.
They read, listen, and study all they can about internet marketing. Work hard to implement those concepts, ideas and strategies.
But In most cases during the process of implementation they find out that things aren't Going the way they've expected.

So what do they do?
Some of them spend a lot of money buying leads, e-books, internet marketing courses and so on.
Others simply go back into their comfort zone forgetting they ever wanted to build an online business not to mention a successful one.
But a few of them (and I do mean just a few of them) make a decision to go all the way willing to give it everything they've got.

Now don't get me wrong here e-books, internet marketing courses, leads, ppc advertising and so on are great tools, assuming you know how to choose the right ones.
One essential element that makes these tools work for you and bring results is simply this: a decision to dedicate yourself to your goal.

The best way for me to explain the state of being dedicated is by the following example:
Imagine you make a decision to climb a very high and steep mountain.
While climbing you reach a point where you feel it is too difficult to go on and there is no way you're going to reach the top.
You think about giving up and going back down, but you notice there is very bad weather and you must reach the top.
Well, I bet you will find a way to reach the top knowing there is no other option. Out of nowhere new energies, ideas and strategies start popping up.
Eventually you would write an e book about how to climb mountains and reaching the top.

The point I am trying to make here is this:
When you set a goal don't allow yourself the option to back down because this is the only way to reach a state of being dedicated and eventually reaching your goal.
To build and maintain a successful home business you have to be in a state of dedication.
This means that there is no such thing as failure and no way to back down from your decision.

E books, internet marketing courses, leads, ppc advertising, ezine and so on are the tools you use to build you're home business.
When you integrate those tools with your unrelenting desire to build a successful home business you become unstoppable.
Then you become a powerful internet marketing machines.

So before going back to look for more leads, new ppc engines, classified adds, new software's and so forth…..
Be honest and ask yourself:
Am I dedicated to my home business? Am I willing to give it everything I've got without thinking of the possibility of going back?

Author: Itsik tzur

About the author:
Itsik tzur is an online entrepreneur,sales and marketing expert,and human potential student and teacher. Create a successful online business by building multiple streams of income :

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