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Helping The Control Freak Plan The Wedding
by: Sher Matsen
My daughter and fiancé have finally set the “big day” but now comes the fun part of helping the control freak plan the wedding. The control freak being my daughter.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m really looking forward to helping my daughter and I’m accustomed to her control freak nature. This could be a really fun experience if you look at the right way. I’ll just sit back and do what I’m told when I’m told.

If you’ve ever known a control freak you’ll know what I’m talking about. These people simply can’t give up control of any aspect of their lives. They must always be in control, so the title “control freak” is rightfully earned.

Now helping a control freak plan a wedding, can you imagine, after all everything is going to have to be perfectly controlled. Anything gone wrong is liable to land in quite a burst of verbal displeasure.

Now as the helper you have some choices. You can either step back and find the situation quite amusing and thus keep your sanity. Or you can get drug into the chaos and panic and loose your sanity. I’m opting for the amusing approach.

Watching a control freak plan their wedding is rather like watching a juggler with about 12 extra balls. Your just waiting for one to drop! And eventually one will and all you can do is be their to pick up the pieces.

It all began with choosing the “perfect date.” Now a sane person would wonder what does a perfect date look like, but a control freak spends hours going through each month and each date listing the pros and cons until they are satisfied they have found the perfect date.

God help us all if the weather decides to not co-operate. But that’s okay after a few stressful day my control freak daughter has decided that August 16th 2006 will be a perfect day.

To the sane person it will be a perfect day no matter what goes wrong, but to my control freak daughter all I can hope is that the day is truly perfect in every way!

Well our next mission was the gown and if you have never shopped with a control freak you will not understand how amusing this can be. At least from the view point I’ve chosen to take.

Grant it some moments are enough to make your hair stand up and shout “Stop you’re driving me crazy.” A couple of deep breaths and the amusement returns.

A normal soul will know that there is no such thing as the perfect wedding dress or the perfectly fitted wedding dress right off the rack. Yes a wedding dress can become perfect but it may take some alterations.

Shopping for that wedding gown with a control freak leads to comments such as the sleeves are too puffy, the train slides just a little to the right, the v neck is ½” from perfect, the …..Well you get the picture. They are looking for perfect by definition in their brain.

Many of the gowns my daughter tried on were perfect as far as I could tell. She looked beautiful, breathtaking, and sexy all the things a bride should be. But to her it was not “perfect.”

As luck would have it one bridal show as she shifted through the gowns this beautiful dress jumped out at her. When she tried it on it fit her perfectly and not only by my definition but by her own.

Not an alteration needed, not a tuck, not a hem. It was infact perfect. So you see even the control freak can find a perfect gown.

Our last adventure was in locating the perfect place for a reception. My control freak daughter has yet to find the place that makes her feel safe and in control.

Thankfully she still has time and as luck goes I’m certain we will find that perfect place. I’m sure they’ll be plenty more highlights before she has her wedding planned.

The message here is not to make fun or chastise the control freak, after all we all have our faults, but rather to point out that no matter how stressed you become while planning your wedding it will all come together. Besides I believe every future bride turns into a control freak to some degree when planning their wedding.

So control freak are not you don’t have to settle for anything less than your definition of perfect and with some shopping you’ll be able to find it for a price within your budget.

Just remember that your wedding will be “perfect” just because it is your special day!

About the author:
Sher from Estate Jewelry International has been serving customers for over 20 years, providing fashion, jewelry, and wedding help. Please visit us at

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