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Dating Tips: Share a Little More Personal on Yourself
by: Rick Valens
Have you been dating for a long time but felt that something is still lacking somewhere? Not understanding your partner well enough? The chances are, both of you are likely still stuck at the very initial stage of a relationship. Well give it a thought. Recall the conversations between both of you in your recent dates or so. What was it that both of you discussed about? The plot of a movie? What happened during work? The recent fashion sales? Your neighbour’s new born puppies? Gossiping about your friends? Last evening soccer match?

Notice something about the examples I gave? These are all the usual casual topics that you would have also discussed with your friends. Discussions that do not have direct impact on your personal life.

In a relationship, it’s not about how well or how long you knew each other but rather how well you understand each other? Understanding your love, someone whom you are going to share the rest of your life with.

Well, if in the first place you don’t even have a clue on your partner’s personal life, how will you able to understand each other well? It is through the willingness to share, sharing of your personal life with each other that builds the trust and bond between both of you, strengthening the relationship.

Wouldn’t you love to know more about your partner? Something more personal about him or her? I am sure you do. Well, you can start off by sharing yours, perhaps sharing the problem that you are facing, seeking for your partner’s advice. Think about it, wouldn’t you be happy to know that your partner is willing to share his or her personal problem, having that trust in you? I am sure you will be more than willing to give your support, helping your partner in anyway, to make him or her happy, wouldn’t you?

Be it happiness or unhappiness; be willing to share it with one another. Believe me, you will learn to cherish and appreciate the company of one another.

Rick Valens
Staff Writer for ,
Love Relationship Discussion Forum

Currently also freelance writer for,
Monument of Eternal Memory

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