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by: Dorothy Lafrinere
HEY was a sunny, sunny, work my butt off day and with days like that, it does give me time to think a lot, so I thought why not give a Q&A.

So many of us low self-esteemers are forced to deal with certain questions all the time. What seems so simple to some are not so simple to us.

Through my article today I am hoping to open minds as to just how people do think different and are not all the same, but at the same time we are all striving for the exact same thing. > TRUE INNER PEACE

I hope this will help us to look into ourselves and maybe observe us in a different light!!!

SO tell me, why are good feelings so not wanted? I mean we all love to laugh...right?

SO why do we allow jealousy and low self-esteem and endless worries and non-real people threaten us?????????

Do we have to be told every 5 minutes to smile and that we are all special, unique sweet one of a kind people?

Do we really need to eat that cake or choclate bar?

Do we really need to focus on things that have already caused us pain and anxiety in our minds?

Do we really need to compare ourselves with every other person on the block, so to speak?

Are we ever just going to be happy with US?

Do we really want to hurt the ones we love by torturing ourselves in plain view for them to witness?

Do we have to concentrate on issues til they die?

These are what we, low self-esteemers have to answer time and time again!!!!!!!

If only people really see how much we wish to be happy and laugh and feel all those positive confident feelings, they would be shocked.

We DO NOT let jealousy or worries or non-real people and for sure low self-esteem threaten us...They just do!!!!!

WHy wouldn`t we need to hear all those positive things, does one raise their children through negative thoughts...NOT.. We are not children but we are battling things that non low self-esteemers battle and yes we do need a bit more TLC.. guess what ..Its FREE!!!!!

NO, we do not need to eat that cake or candy bar, but if that is the only way we can feel good then it is what we will do. So we need to focus on different things to substitute that feeling, and we know this and we are working on this.

We never ever want to hurt anyone through our inner battles, but as we spend a lot of time with our loved ones, they eventually see us in our turmoil and try with no succession to help us. This is undoubtably one of the reasons that drives us to search for answers to get rid of our negative other mind.

No again NO, we only concentrate or over think things to try to get a hold of things and convince ourselves that we have no need to worry, although these efforts turn around on us and make us look obssessed and build walls between us and everone else.

Dorothy Lafrinere

This article is free for republishing
Dorothy Lafrinere






Hello my name is Dorothy and I thought you might like to know a bit about me! I was born and raised in Canada where I raised 4 great children and ran a business for 23 years. I recently moved to Florida to continue my life and enjoy the tropics. My experiences throughout my life have built my character and made me an independent women. My issues regarding self-esteem have directed me towards creating a wonderful website for all the women in the world! My goal is to simply put a smile on your face, add a little sunshine to your day, and help you find the strength to deal with your fears and tackle your weaknesses, but most importantly to help you find the goodness that is inside of you, so that you can live a peaceful and happy life.

I have had many questions reguarding why my website is totally free. Well, it isn't actually really free. The payment that I ask for from my members and any women that frequent my site is that they feel better about themselves, and that they use some of that gained strength to help other women who also suffer from self esteem issues that women are faced with in daily life.


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