Home>SWIMMING>Olympic Athletes Bring Their Own Mattresses to Olympic Village’s Cardboard Beds
Olympic Athletes Bring Their Own Mattresses to Olympic Village’s Cardboard Beds

Olympic Athletes Bring Their Own Mattresses to Olympic Village’s Cardboard Beds

Amid troubles with the transportation system and dining halls in the Paris Olympic Village, athletes are also raising concerns about the cardboard beds they were given to sleep on. 

According to social media, multiple athletes from various different countries have raised concerns regarding the firmness of the mattresses on the beds. The beds are the same beds that were utilized in the Olympic Village during the 2021 Olympic Games in Tokyo, made from recycled cardboard. Although the same frames are currently being used in Paris, it appears as though the mattresses are different from those that were used in Tokyo, with athletes having both a “soft” and “firm” side of the mattress to choose from. Despite this, athletes are complaining that both sides of the mattress are too hard to sleep on. 

In a video posted on TikTok, Australian water polo player Tilly Kearns recapped the team’s first night sleeping on the bed, with one of her teammates saying “my back is about to fall off”. 


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Kearns later posted a follow-up video confirming that the team ordered mattress toppers for the beds that were delivered that same day. 

Some athletes have also taken to buying their own mattresses, forgoing the supplied mattresses all-together. In an interview, US gymnast Frederick Richard told reporters that he brought his own mattress to the village. “Everyone’s complaining about beds and stuff,” Richard told reporters. “I ordered my bed already, shipped it here. I had a comfy bed from the start.”

Though he is the only member of the US gymnastics team that brought his own mattress, USA Gymnastics confirmed that all of its athletes have been given the option of getting a mattress topper. 

Richard reaffirmed his decision, “You know, we’re at the Olympics. We’re at the biggest event. I want to live like a king over here. That’s basically my mindset, so I got the nice, comfy bed.”

Swimming superstar Sarah Sjostrom also brought her own mattress to the Village. In an interview with a Swedish newspaper, Sjostrom made it clear that she was not taking chances with the beds. “I have received help to buy a mattress, so I am grateful for that,” Sjostrom said. 

In addition to mattresses, some countries have reportedly brought their own AC units to the Olympic Village. However, those will be reserved for emergency use only due to European environmental practices. 

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