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Become a n Automatic Money Magnet
by: Caterina Christakos

Learn the key to attracting money and prosperity into your life
Everyone wants to be rich and yet only about 2% of the population has reached this illustrious goal. Even those who manage to inherit wealth, nine times out of ten lose it.

Most of us say," That would never happen to me. You would have to be really dumb to lose all that money." Yet the very reason that these individuals let their money run through their fingers is the very reason that most of us are still working pay check to paycheck.

It is a lacking mindset that is responsible for our financial difficulties. Many of us believe:

1) I don't deserve this

2) I feel guilty because it happened to me and not ___________

3) This can't be real

4) etc...

So we sabotage our own success.

There is a simple way though to have all the money you desire flow easily into your hands. This easy strategy begins and ends by cultivating a million dollar mindset. All wealth begins with it and all wealth is maintained by cultivating this feeling of prosperity.

Some Million Dollar Beliefs to cultivate are: 1) I am wealthy. 2) If I lost it all tommorow, I could make it back easily. 3) I deserve to be wealthy

I would bet that most of us could compile a list of hundreds of things that we "want." That sense of wanting means that we feel that we do not have these things. We are displaying our lacking mindset and creating the very life that we swear that we are trying to avoid.

When we replace this wanting feeling with the sense of already having wealth, amazing things start to occur within our brains. We begin to come up with ways of having wealth instead of merely wishing and wanting it.

How do we create this million dollar mindset?

1) Think about being wealthy and write down any thoughts that come up.

Write down the objections that already play in your mind. Write down the excuses like" It takes money to make money." And write down all the things that you wish you could have if only...

2) Release on those thoughts. Let them go and keep letting them go until the negative emotions go away with them.

3) Replace negative thoughts with positive ones.

4) Fill your mind with the images of what you want and picture yourself already having them.

5) See yourself as you will be. Feel what you will feel. Add audio and even the things that you will smell when you reach that state. ex. the type of perfume you might wear, the sound of bankers begging to give you loans, the feel of silk upon your skin, etc...

6) Keep releasing your negative emotions and thoughts until you have what you have been wanting all these years.

7) Act upon the incredible ideas that your subconscious shares with you fearlessly.

Caterina Christakos is an internationally recognized writer and public speaker. For more information on the release technique that helped make her a success go to:

About the Author

Written by Caterina Christakos (c)2001 for more writing tips check out:


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