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Living Pure in an Impure World
by: Margot B

Since chemicals are often the cause of problems, try to stay away from as many as possible. Note your reaction when you get exposed to them.


Common sensitivities are caused by tobacco smoke, perfume and sponge rubber.

Avoid sprays. Try baking soda for deodorant.

Check children's toys for odours. Their markers, Playdough, etc. may be creating problems for them.

The following are found to be used safely by many sensitive individuals: Baking soda: 2% solution can be used as an air freshener, chrome cleaner, windshield and windshield wiper cleaner, plastic pants for babies, sole plates of irons. It can be used in place of toothpaste. For the very sensitive, use 2 tablespoons as a replacement for detergent for washing clothes.

Vinegar: Use for washing tile; cuts mold, cleans brass, chrome and steel. To unplug drains, pour a handful of baking soda and 1/2 glass of vinegar down the drain and cover it tightly [may have to repeat], 1/2-cup vinegar in the rinse cycle will neutralize the odor of cleaning agents in the laundry.

Soap: Ivory, Bon Ami cake soap. For clothing, grate or flake Ivory.

Bleach: Miracle White, Borax, Arm and Hammer Washing Soda.

TSP: Effective for washing walls. Use 1/2 cup per laundry load. Wear gloves when using. KEEP AWAY FROM CHILDREN.

Adding 1-teaspon of sodium thiosulphate in your bath water precipitates the chlorine.

To avoid molds, check baths, showers, basements and furnace humidifiers. Mold can also grow on cotton clothing overnight so change after wearing.

If you suspect chemical sensitivities, try setting up a dust-free room: Remove synthetic rugs and underlay. Use cotton curtains and avoid sponge rubber mattresses or pillows. A cotton blanket or flannel blanket should be electric blankets. Clean the room using water. Avoid permanent-press sheets.

With foods, read labels! Use organically grown fruit and vegetables whenever possible. Fresh is preferable to frozen - and canned foods should be avoided as much as possible.

Use spring water stored in glass containers with cork tops. Sterilize the bottles regularly to prevent mold growth. Wash food with regular water but do the final rinse in spring water. Use spring water for drinking and brushing your teeth.

Use salt or a mixture of salt and baking soda as a toothpaste. Avoid commercially prepared mouthwashes and toothpastes.

It is preferable to use sea salt in place of regular salt, which may contain chemicals acquired during the processing and to prevent lumping.

Nuts should be stored in the refrigerator to prevent rancidity. This would include peanut or other nut butters.

Use cold-pressed vegetable and nut oils. Once the bottle is opened, store in the refrigerator.

Don’t expect immediate results. Keep a diary of all foods eaten and all medications taken. Keep a record of all symptoms and when they begin and end. If your child cheats, don’t get discouraged, just note it and watch for symptoms. The symptoms may last up to three days and are exacerbated by infection, exertion and chill.

Not eating a food you are sensitive to can cause withdrawal symptoms that may also last up to three days. The first few weeks on an elimination diet may be difficult and confusing. Your body may crave foods you used to eat every day. What you inhale and prescription drugs may also affect your reactions.

These foods can often cause sensitivities: milk, wheat, sugar, corn, peanuts, tomatoes, strawberries, chocolate, green beans, orange juice, soy products, eggs, food colourings, flavourings, and additives.

If you find that you are sensitive to some food, avoid it for three to four months.

If you react to it again, remove it from your diet for another six months. If you are an adult and react to this food again, you may have a fixed sensitivity and you may never be able to tolerate this food. Children have fixed reactions less often.

A food sensitivity usually causes symptoms within 5 minutes to an hour after eating. Food sensitivities rarely occur 2 hours after eating.

Take your pulse 20 minutes before eating, and 20, 40, 60, and 90 minutes after eating. Skipped beats or a change in pulse rate may indicate food sensitivity.

As far as possible, avoid stimulants such as coffee, tea, alcohol and cigarettes.

Remember that you are an individual. No two people react the same.

Chemical Sensitivity: Substances to avoid are gas, oil and petroleum byproducts, coal, natural hydrocarbons such as terpenes and marsh gas, alcohols, glycols, formaldehydes, insecticides, herbicides, pesticides, chemical fertilizers, synthetic fabrics including vinyl, rubber, polyester rayon, nylon, etc. - synthetic food additives such as colours, flavours, and preservatives. Avoid solvents, inks, and dyes.

Common Sources of Chemical Exposure: In the home; gas appliances including ranges, heaters, etc., vinyl upholstery, plastic food containers, synthetic carpeting, carpet backing and padding, synthetic shower curtains, garment bags, garbage bags, and furniture coverings, ironing board covers, plastic planters and artificial flowers, shelf paper, synthetic handbags, briefcases, luggage. Synthetic toys, household polishes, waxes, cleaning sprays, ammonia, cleansers, detergents, deodorants, disinfectants, television filters and electrostatic filters [use with charcoal filter].

Environmental: Oil refineries, oil and solvent storage facilities, chemical plants, incinerators and dumps, automobiles, trains, airplanes, municipal and agricultural pest control programs, municipal water supply, road and roofing repair projects.

Ways to Minimize Chemical Exposure: Do not smoke, do not use scented cosmetics, when possible, wear garments made of natural fibers, which have not been chemically treated. Minimize drug use. Avoid foods with chemical additives or preservatives. Drink water that has no fluoride or chlorine added.

In Existing Homes: Remove all gas, oil, and coal burning utilities and replace with electric. Have furnace flue and fuel lines checked for leakage. For Additional Information, Please Contact:
Margot B
Margot B & Associates

Margot B has written a book and hundreds of articles, specializing in health and the environment.

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