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Top Ten Ways about Sensing Your Body
by: Mahalene Louis

Most of us spend time judging, criticizing and giving negative messages to our body, which only results in suffering. As our body is the main tool (mentor) to our expression in every day life, it is essential to choose to be aware of it every moment, and develop a loving relationship to it. In other words, make your body your buddy.

1. Touching: Caress your buddy

The mood is tender and nurturing. Accept any defect compassionately as you would a friend that has the same challenge. Treat your buddy to a relaxing massage regularly.

2. Touch again: Romance your buddy

Serenade your buddy. Write love letters to your buddy. Offer flowers to your buddy. Treat your buddy to exquisite chocolates once in while. The soul of your buddy will be deeply touched by all your thoughtful attentions.

3. Hearing: Communicate sweetly and softly

Listen to what your buddy is saying to you, and speak loving words in return. Speak to others about your buddy in the 3rd person. Ex: She likes wearing red… He loves to go on long walks…

4. Hear again: Be a good a provider

Treat your buddy to what s/he desires and requires, medical, and holistic. Create money to take splendid care of your buddy. Give your buddy adequate rest and sleep.

5. Seeing: Dress your buddy impeccably

Choose only the finest materials for your buddy and natural fabrics like silk, cotton or linen. Give it an environment that is clean, comfortable, neat and pleasant.

6. See again: Consider it as a work of art.

Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. What can you notice that you particularly appreciate? Focus on that…

7. Smelling: Breathe your buddy in

Pamper your buddy with wonderful aromas, sandalwood and apple pies, perfumes, incenses and essential oils

8. Smell again: Breathe your buddy out.

”Aerobicize” your buddy; move it, dance it, walk it, stretch it… Rest it!

9. Tasting: Feed your buddy love

Give your buddy exactly what s/he is hungry for. What is the special of the day? Serve it to your buddy as if s/he was the most precious guest. Savor every bite with total abandon.

10. Taste again: Water your body as a rose.

Drink water throughout the day. Take long showers. Luxuriate in bubble baths. Walk in between the raindrops.

This piece was originally submitted by Mahalene Louis, Inspiration Anchor, Artist, Author, and Speaker, who can be reached at, via phone 512.632.8952 or visited on the web at Mahalene Louis wants you to know: As an Inspiration Anchor, I offer an engaging e-zine, free teleclasses and Turn on the Light!, a unique program to assist the creative genius in you to express and market your gifts successfully. Turn on the Light! inspires you to show up as a stunning masterpiece of unbridled passion and creativity, and to evolve consciousness by acting in alignment with the powerful force you are.

Mahalene, a native of France, began her career as a journalist and teacher in Europe. She spent her first twenty years in the US as a self-supporting artist while soon consulting with people on self-empowerment. As she is in all accounts a “true artist,” one of her greatest gifts as an inspiration anchor is to offer “a new way to look at it,” which is greatly instrumental to increase chances of success, prosperity, and happiness.


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