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Managing Stress without the Use of Drugs
by: James Brann, MD

In today's fast paced environment, many people are under a lot of stress. Women are even more susceptible to the strains of everyday life. Some are single mothers that work full time jobs and then come home and care for their baby. They are over worked, underpaid and under extreme stress.

Many women go to their family doctors complaining about headaches, lack of sleep and mood swings. The doctor will calmly explain to them that they have stress problems, and to take a few days off, and then prescribe them a drug to alleviate the symptoms.

While the drugs may work in the short term, it doesn't treat the root problems. When you stop taking the drug, the stress will still be present. And who has the time to put their feet up and relax, especially if you have a toddler causing mayhem at home?

So what are the alternatives?

Well there are many and we will explore a few of them in this article, but the first thing you have to do is figure out the cause of your stress. Stress can be caused by many things. What is stressful to one person can be joyful for the next. For instance, speaking in public can cause some people a lot of anxiety, but to some it is a joy.

Once you have located the reasons for your stress try to think of ways to alleviate it. Here are some more helpful tricks and tips for managing stress levels without the use of drugs.

Take a Deep Breath: The reason why stress causes headaches in a lot of cases is because when a person is under significant stress they will tend to breath shallowly, or hold their breath without even realizing it. Your muscles then get a lack of oxygen and you cramp up in such places like your neck and abdomen and you get a headache. Sometimes it just makes you feel uptight.

If you feel a headache coming on, or you feel uptight, stop and check your breathing. Take a few minutes to rest and take deep breaths through your nose and out through your mouth.

Talk to People: Being lonely is a terrible thing, and this can cause stress all by itself. Try joining a club or something you enjoy that will connect you to other people. Sometimes just talking and having fun can do wonders for your stress problems.

Regular Exercise: It has been scientifically proven that exercise helps relieve stress. Try joining a gym, or just going for a walk each night. You will boost your energy level making it easier to cope with the stress of daily life.

Managing Time: Nothing causes stress like being late for an appointment. Avoid this unnecessary stress by planning your day. Insure that you have enough time to get to all of your appointments. Maybe invest in a day planner.

Body Break: Your mind and body are one. Make sure that you eat proper nutritious meals, and sleep well at night. Avoid excess sugar and caffeine. These foods will give you a temporary high, but will cause you to crash later. A body that is properly maintained will be better able to cope with stress.

Avoid The Use of Illegal Drugs: Many people turn to alcohol and drugs to relieve their stress. While it may seem that these things are helping with your stress they are really harming you. Not only are they wrecking your body, but they are only a temporary fix. When you wake up in the morning, the problem that you were trying to escape will still be there.

Change Your Surroundings: Make sure that you are as comfortable as possible. If your chair at work is causing your back to hurt, change it. If your bed is causing backache and lack of sleep, change it. Why put your mind and body under stress that can be easily avoided.

Go to Your Happy Place: Try daydreaming for a minute if you feel stressed out. Imagine a sunny beach, or a quiet cottage. Imagine the tastes and sounds. A few minutes of imagined vacation can do wonders for your mental outlook, and relieve stress.

These are just a few techniques that will help you cope with your stress levels. Try concentrating on the positive aspects of your life, and not the negative. Without some stress life would be boring, but too much of anything can kill you.

About the author:
Dr. James Brann is a board certified Obstetrician and Gynecologist and a Fellow of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. He is also Editor of Women's Healthcare Topics.

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