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Position Position Position – The secret to success online.
by: Quentin Brown
When you saw this heading you possibly thought of real estate or search engine placement.

While this is very applicable to these two systems I want to take you a little deeper into the concept of positioning yourself for success online.

Position is really a life skill with its own set of stratergies and skills.

Position: A place or location. A strategic area occupied by members of a force. An advantageous place or location. A point of view or attitude on a certain question. Sports. The area for which a particular player is responsible. The arrangement of the pieces or cards at any particular time in a game such as chess, checkers, or bridge.

Over the past seven years I have been involved in Internet Marketing. The first five as part time and the last two years full time. Many people asked how I made the graduation from part time to full time and the answer is always positioning.

The Concept of Positioning.

If you have played or watched sports at any time you will know that positioning is the key to winning or loosing. In football you need to be in position to accept the ball if you are going score.

The same applies to your life and business.

My basketball coach always told me that I needed to put all my effort to get into the right position and once I got there I could have a rest. I think you would know .... he lied. Once you get into position there is no rest as you then have to maintain that position.

Positioning is a skill that can be developed:

It is very important to do your homework because positioning is a skill that is developed by training and studying. It is not a haphazard occurance.

Last year I was looking at a new business I could start up online so I looked at what was growing and developing. In doing this I found that baby boomers are an economic force in the community and that they like gadgets, technology, investments because they are rapidly approaching retirement and health for a similar reason.

I also found that streaming audio was becoming something that people wanted to use on websites without the need for special servers, a lot of technical ability etc. In fact in my research it was the fastest growing multimedia tool people were looking for. So I went out and found a product I could develop to position myself in the middle of this growing market. Hence was born MP3 Sound Stream that allows anybody to add streaming audio to their website easily and simply.

Positioning for life.

I know that we are mainly talking about business in this article however if you do not also use positioning in your everyday life then it will not flow over into your business. Success is a mixture of both personal and business strategies and this is why so many people when they come into large sums of money loose it within five years and are back to where they started if not worse off.

They had not positioned themselves in life to handle the pressures and responsibility of there new found wealth. This is possibly why many people who start working for themselves also do not make much more than they did in their job. They never re-positioned themselves.


As I mentioned before positioning is a skill you can develop.

1. Find out what position you want or are capable of attaining.

One of my friends is a great sales person. He sells welders and turns over millions of dollars selling this equipment. A few years ago the company he worked for decided that it would be better for him to train a lot of other sales people so they could do even more.

It turned out that the company actually sold less with more sales people because the positioning of my friend to train people was not in his ability. The company actually went backwards so they repositioned him back into sales and re took the market lead again. His position was sales not training.

2. Take action and hold on.

In an instant society we are all looking for the quick fix however we all appreciate those who can maintain a solid position. I belong to an online MLM company and for 4 years nothing much happened however I knew that it was positioned for success. Today it is growing in leaps and bounds. Unfortunately some of my friends left a little too early and have missed out on the benefits of holding on. If you believe in what you are doing do not give up.

3. You don’t have to make millions to succeed online.

The concept of positioning is really all about strategies. Remember the old saying how do you eat an elephant. A bite at a time.

Positioning is the same. You do it a bit at a time. First you learn then you apply. Then you learn some more and then you apply what you have learnt. By being consistent you will see it start to pay off.

Finally let me tell you one last story. While I was writing this article my son was watching a documentary on the salmon in Canada that migrate up river to lay their eggs. Some of the scenes where they would jump up waterfalls bashing against the rocks to get to their final destination impressed me. The point is they would either make it or die trying.

Now there are people who are going to make out that becoming successful online is easy and both you and I know this is a lie. Just like the coach who told me I could rest once I got into position. The fact is it will take hard work and there will be casualties however if you are determined to succeed you will have a better chance of success.

Some people will just find this all too hard so my advice to you is take the easy road and don’t start.

About the author:
Quentin Brown has been helping people add audio to their web sites for the past two years and provides a wealth of knowledge and expertise for those who are technically challenged but want to make use of new technology without spending a fortune.

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