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BLOGS! What They Are... And WHY They're Becoming A POWER TOOL For Internet Marketers
by: Cory Threlfall
Copyright 2024 - Wamono Moses The IWE, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

BLOGS! What a crazy name for the "NEWEST" Internet marketing trend to hit the Internet.

But, I like it.

It makes this new form of communication kind of mysterious in a way, though, BLOGS have been around for quite some time and only recently have been recognized as a VERY valuable asset to Internet marketers.

Recently, I was visiting some Internet marketing related Forums and noticed many of the threads having similar "Subjects" saying... "What the heck are BLOGS?"

So, I did a little research and this is what I came up with since I was Very curious myself.

I think it's best that I clearly define to You exactly what a "BLOG" is so that as I go through this article with you, you'll have a clear picture in your head of what a Blog IS and so there won't be any confusion.

A "BLOG"(A.K.A. Web Log) by definition is:

A combination of online diary and/or guestbook. You sign up for a blogger account and then you enter the information You want on your Website. Then you can set it so that only you can place entries on it or so that anyone can. Then you can either keep a private journal or you can have a place where your readers can get together and place entries to each other or to you.

So... there you have it in a nut shell.

To simplify it even more let's just say BLOGS are a place to go and post your personal thoughts that you can share with your subscribers and/or readership and receive feedback.

Now, for the purpose of this article, now that you know the true definition of a "Blog", I'm going to share with you some reasons WHY they're becoming a widely recognized "POWER TOOL" for Internet marketers around the world.

So, with that said, lets go to Reason 1.

Reason 1. Great way to stay in touch with your subscribers.

Blogs are a great way to stay in touch with your subscribers and/or readership and builds regular readership Traffic to your little community where you can interact with them.

It also helps build rapport, which in turn, will help develop that TRUST in You, Your Products and/or Services that You recommend.

Reason 2. It's a great way to get "Feedback".

Blogs are a great way to get Feedback from your subscribers/customers simply because they have the ability to leave comments on each "Post" you make which will then help you find what it is they're looking for making YOU look like a "Hero" in there eye's and putting $Money$ in your pocket.

Reason 3. Can be managed by ONE individual.

Blogs require NO "HTML" experience, making it easy for ANYONE to get started.

Most "Blog" communities online use what is called a "WYSIWYG" HTML editor.

Did I lose you there with the "WYSIWYG" abbreviation. That simply stands for... "What You See Is What You Get".

It's one of the easiest HTML editors to use, making it easy for You to get started right away.

Reason 4. Your able to list your "Main" website details.

When you sign up for your Blogger account you're given an area to set-up your "Personal Profile" where your able to list your Main website and URL, plus, any other personal information you wish to share that will be displayed on your Blog.

Reason 5. A great way to publish "Information".

This is probably ONE of the Biggest benefits to Blogs because you have the ability to post informative information in the form of "Articles and/or Reviews" for your subscribers and/or readership which will make you look like an Expert on the subject and giving you INSTANT credibility in the eye's of your reader.

Reason 6. You get your own URL.

That's right, you get your own URL you can use in all your promotions and/or on your personal website if you have one.

This feature is great, especially for people just starting out and don't have there own website up and running yet.

Here's my Blog for you to take a look at.

It's called... The Internet Wonders Blog.

Reason 7. Search Engines love them.

Search Engines love Blogs because they are so "Content Rich" and are always being updated on a Daily to Weekly basis.

When you compare a regular static website, which might be updated on a monthly basis, to a Blog, which is updated on a Daily to Weekly basis with NEW content, you'll gain favor with the search engines with your Blog.

The S.E. "Spiders" will then gladly stop by to munch down on whatever NEW content you posted and Index your website more often since that is what Search Engines love and are constantly looking for.

Reason 8. The ability to use RSS with Blogs.

A powerful feature about Blogs is the use of RSS (Really Simple Syndication) that allows you to Instantly send your Blog highlights to your readership upon publication which will keep your reader up to speed on your business and your Products and/or Services.

Not only that, RSS also gives your Blog more exposure to a wider audience of subscribers building a bigger readership in less time.

By simply adding an human element to your business through the use of a "Blog", IS a great way to build rapport and gain the trust of your subscribers and/or readership, which in turn, will turn them into buying "Customers".

Well, there you have it, "BLOGS! What They Are... And WHY They're Becoming A POWER TOOL For Internet Marketers".

I hope this article clearly answered the questions you once had about "Blogs" and the benefits of starting one of your own.

About the author:

CBmall. The ##1 Info-Product site on the NET! Visit Today=> -- Or if you want to get MORE 'Insider' marketing Secrets, visit Cory Threlfall's BLOG called... The Internet Wonders Blog at -- https://theiwe.blogspot.comor subscribe his Free newsletter at --

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