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NEWS FLASH! Article Directories JUMP-ON The RSS Syndication Band Wagon
by: Cory Threlfall
Copyright 2024 - Wamono Moses The IWE, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Quick question... do you publish 'Articles' on a regular basis?

I'm talking like on a weekly or bi-weekly basis.

If so, then your in for a real treat.

If you haven't heard, RSS (Real Simple Syndication) is taking the Internet by storm because of its many Benefits, especially for someone(you) who provides fresh 'Quality' content on a regular basis.

Not only does RSS GUARANTEE 100% delivery to whoever opt's in to your feed(s), it can also 'Syndicate' your content across the Internet in an instant to thousands of websites and portals delivering an avalanche of FREE targeted traffic to your website(s) at NO Cost to you what so ever.

WoW! Was that a mouthful or what? It gets better, so hold on.

We all know that without Traffic to our website(s) we have no business.

We also know that the Internet is starving for fresh content on a Daily basis to feed its evergrowing appetite for information.

The upside to this IS if your someone(you) who publishes articles as one of your means of online promotion for your website(s) then your in for a real ride.

As you well know Article Directories are one of the primary places article publishers(like yourself) go to submit their articles.


Simply because this is where website owners go to find fresh related content to publish in their newsletters or on their websites on a daily to weekly basis to feed their audiences need for Information.

And with time always being a major factor, adding fresh related content can become quite a chore for a website owner who is already hard pressed for time as it is on a daily basis while trying to keep up with all the other daily duties a online business requires.

So with that being said, how does RSS and Article Directories fit into the mix and how can You benefit from this technology by providing and submitting fresh 'Quality' content on a weekly basis to Article Directories that offer RSS Syndication?

The answers simple.

The Article Directories(at least most of them) NOW have RSS Feed databases available under any category your article falls under for those website owners who looking for RSS feeds and have websites that are RSS ready.

Whats this mean for you?

This means everytime you submit your new article to the Article Directories that offer RSS Syndication and they approve your article to the particular category you request upon submission and lets say for example 1000 websites have that RSS Feed category plugged into their RSS Feed list, guess what?

The next time that RSS feed updates (usually within 24 hours) guess whose article is going to show up on all those 1000 websites INSTANTLY?

That's right... Yours!

Whats this mean for you? Simple... more Traffic and more $$Profits$$!

Are you starting to see the HUGE benefits to RSS and Article Directories adopting this new technology?

Do you see the benefits this will give the person (you) publishing articles to these directories on a regular basis?

I think you do because I know I do.

RSS Syndication is truly becoming the cornerstone of how content is delivered and/or syndicated online and it has only begun.

Once everybody else Jumps-On the RSS band wagon after seeing the true benefits of RSS Syndication and how it can deliver their content to their target audience without any worry of being redirected into the trash can like email, You the publisher will benefit for years to come receiving FREE targeted traffic, collecting more leads and making more sales without having to do anything But provide fresh 'Quality' content to these Article Directories on a regular basis.

So... the only thing you have to do now is find those Article Directories that offer RSS Syndication and start submitting your articles to them.

If you don't write and publish your own articles maybe you should consider getting started and/or hire a Ghost Writer to write them for you.

Below I have listed a few resources for you that offer RSS Syndication for you to get started with. I would of listed more but there's just to many.

(Note: Some of the resources below are free and some are paid just so you know in advance.)


Go Articles

Ezine Articles

Announce Articles

Well I hope you found this article informative and helpful, the only thing left for you to do IS... Take Action!

About the author:
Cory Threlfall is an Internet Marketing Strategist and is the Editor and Publisher of The Internet Wonders eZine which is published 'Bi-Weekly' that focuses on providing Webmasters with quality Articles, Product Reviews, Tips, and More on how to Promote, Build and Increase your Web Traffic! Subscribe at:

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