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RSS(Real Simple Syndication)-- EXPLAINED In Plain English
by: Cory Threlfall
Copyright 2024 - Wamono Moses The IWE, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

RSS(Real Simple Syndication) is the talk around the net these days because of its many benefits.

I'm sure you've received several emails(like I have) telling you to jump on the "RSS" band wagon and that it's the answer to all your Internet and Email marketing woe's because of its syndication capabilities.

With RSS Directories and Search Engines coming into the mix as well these days for RSS feeds you really have to decide whether or not you really want it get in on the "RSS" craze.

Now, before I get to far ahead of myself here I want to make sure you know exactly what RSS "IS" and WHY it's becoming such an essential tool for Your online business and other businesses around the world.

I've received a lot of feedback from people just starting out online and/or other webmasters who are not quite sure asking... "what is "RSS" in Plain English and do I need it for my online business?".

I wrote an article earlier this year stating the "10 MOST Powerful Reasons WHY You Should Be Using RSS", but I guess I clearly didn't explain what "RSS" IS which left the readers kind of stumped.

If you wish to read that article as well I've provided the link below.

With that said, lets 'Now' define what RSS(Real Simple Syndication) "IS" in plain english for those of you who are NEW to it and for those of you who are still a little bit confused about it and its uses.

RSS is by definition -- an acronym for "Really Simple Syndication" or "Rich Site Summary", and the .XML extension is the format used for distributing YOUR news headlines via the Web, which is known as "Syndication".

"Syndication" is where the TRUE power of RSS is unleashed, getting your message or information across the web in an INSTANT to websites, your subscribers and/or readers.

Now, to put this in plain english, "RSS" is simply a technology that distributes YOUR information(whatever it might be -- ex. Articles, Special Offers, Product Reviews, Resource Announcements) by syndicating it across the net.

It's that simple.

It doesn't have to get any more complex then that.

The more websites, subscribers and/or readers that opt-in to your RSS feeds, the more FREE targeted TRAFFIC you'll receive from their websites.

How can you take advantage of this NEW technology... Starting Today?

Set up a BLOG!

Blog's are great because they are "RSS" ready.

If you don't know what a "BLOG" is here's a link to another earlier article I wrote that explains BLOGS in full detail since the nature of this article is to make sure you understand what "RSS" IS.

Here's the link:

You can set-up a Free BLOG account through -- -- and begin posting to it within minutes.

All you have to supply is the 'Content'.

Well, there you have it, "RSS(Real Simple Syndication)-- EXPLAINED In Plain English".

I truly hope this article cleared up any confusion you might of had about "RSS" and will help you take that next step to deciding whether or not "RSS" is for You and your business.

My final thoughts are, don't be afraid to do a little research, you'll be amazed at what you might find if you spend a little looking for it on the net.

About the author:
Subscribe to Cory Threlfall's ezine called... The Internet Wonders eZine at -- if you want to get MORE 'Insider' marketing Secrets on How-To drive Traffic to your website -- Or, you can visit his BLOG to learn them NOW! ==>

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