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Top 10 Reasons WHY RSS Autoresponders Are Becoming A Permission Email Marketers BEST Friend
by: Cory Threlfall
Copyright 2024 - Wamono Moses The IWE, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

IS Permission Email Marketing In Trouble?

With the rising concern of Spam Filters/Blockers, Blacklisting, Bounce Backs and CAN-SPAM Act laws, email is sadly becoming a VERY unrealible vehicle to deliver your marketing messages to your customers, Therefore, resulting in "Time Wasted" and "Loss Of Profits".

IS there a solution to this never ending concern for Permission Email Marketers?

You bet there is.

There called... "RSS Autoresponders".

You read right, RSS autoresponders.

They've now taken the newest technology (RSS - Rich Site Summary or Real Simple Syndication) that hit the net and turned it into a permission email marketers dream come true.

And... the cool thing about RSS autoresponders is they work much like a traditional email autoresponders, just with a few different features and benefits.

Time is something I value dearly, as I'm sure you do as well, especially when you work so hard on a email to your subscribers, I would think you would want to make sure it reaches them.

So... for the rest of this article I'm going to give you the...

Top 10 Reasons WHY "RSS Autoresponders" Are Becoming A Permission Email Marketers BEST Friend

... and WHY you should Seriously consider the switch if your a Permission Email Marketer.

The Internet is changing, so we must change with it.

So, with that said, lets get down to business by going to the first and my MOST favorite reason.

Reason 1. 100% delivery rate of your messages.

This is probably the single most BIGGEST benefit you'll receive by using an RSS autoresponder is getting 100% of your marketing messages infront of your prospects and/or existing customers.

Reason 2. Blacklisting is the thing of the past.

Never worry about being Blacklisted again because of someone else using your shared server and sending SPAM emails through it and getting you Blacklisted as the end result.

Reason 3. Forget CAN-SPAM and Email Laws.

You can now forget about all the email laws and CAN-SPAM because now they no longer apply to you because you are no longer an email publisher, your a RSS publisher.

There's a BIG difference.

Reason 4. Subscribers can Opt-In via web forms or links.

This is a critical feature to have with RSS autoresponders because it will allow an easy switch by simply replacing your email web forms with RSS web forms on your website/s.

Plus, this will make sure there won't be any confusion for your potential subscribers with some new Opt-In method.

Reason 5. Personalize your out-going messages.

That's right, you can personalize your out-going mssages with custom data fields of your choice, just like a traditional email, giving your marketing message a professional look and giving you more credibility as a professional marketer.

Reason 6. Write freely with all the forbidden email words.

Now you have the freedom to write using any Word or Phrase you wish without the worry of SPAM filters/blockers intercepting your messages and labelling it as "SPAM", and still have your message achieve 100% delivery rate to your subscribers.

Isn't that great or what?

Reason 7. Unlimited message delivery.

Like I said earlier in the article, RSS autoresponders work just like traditional email autoresponders with the same functions.

What I'm saying is, you are able to set-up Unlimited timed sequential autoresponder messages that will automatically follow-up your leads for you at your desired time or dates.

And, the real cool thing here is, you'll be able to sleep knowing 100% of your messages are reaching your potential customers.

Reason 8. Broadcast as often as you like.

With RSS autoresponders, your also able to broadcast to your subscribers as often as you like with your marketing messages and/or special offers just like traditional email autoresponders.

The only difference is, 100% of your marketing messages are reaching your subscribers, meaning, more profits in your pocket.

Reason 9. Many options for managing your subscribers.

Just like traditional email autoresponders, RSS autoresponders also give you many different options for managing and editing your subscriber lists.

I won't go into alot of detail on this simply because it basically works the same as an email autoresponder list manager.

Reason 10. Ad tracking and report generation.

You can even track who, where, when, what week or month your subscriber subscribed and much more using RSS autoresponders, giving you valuable statistics and information about your subscribers and much more.

I think these 10 reasons I just outlined above are in my mind pretty beneficial to a Permission Email Marketer wouldn't you think?

In conclusion, I would have to say that the BIGGEST benefit to RSS autoresponders is that they GUARANTEE 100% delivery on your marketing message to your subscribers, saving You valuable time and frustration, and giving you the edge you need in order for you to make the most Profit from your broadcast.

The technology is here, so we must adapt.

This concludes the "Top 10 Reasons WHY "RSS Autoresponders" Are Becoming A Permission Email Marketers BEST Friend".

About the author:

Achieve 100% Message Delivery Rate via RSS Autoresponders! ==> --Or if you want to get MORE 'Insider' marketing Secrets, subscribe to Cory Threlfall's ezine called... The Internet Wonders eZine at -- https://www.internetwondersezine.comor you can visit his BLOG at --

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