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Surviving Tough Times Online
by: Jim Edwards
- by Jim Edwards

(c) Jim Edwards - All Rights reserved

With economic problems dominating the headlines, all
businesses, online and off, need to make the most of every
single customer contact if they hope to stay in business!

Consumers want to hang onto every dollar and only spend
money for things they feel they really "must" have.

To put yourself and your business in the best position to
survive and thrive in the current economy, follow these
simple rules for making every website visitor count.

The first step in making every visitor count involves
knowing exactly what people want from you. The vast
majority of businesses never bother to ask what customers
and visitors want, and therefore, they make fewer sales
than they could with a little research.

Smart online business owners use surveys regularly to stay
in touch with customer needs, tastes, and preferences. It
costs next to nothing to ask a customer what they want and
then simply give it to them. But, it may cost you
everything if you don't take the time to ask first.

Next, businesses hoping to make it in these uncertain
economic times must form alliances with other business
owners who cater to the same audience. Other business
owners have the traffic you need in order to grow your

For this reason, you must constantly look for creative ways
to work with them. The easiest way to profit by working
with other website owners involves endorsing each other's
products to your own lists or, at a minimum, trading links
to funnel traffic back and forth.

Creating traffic from "scratch" rates the slowest and
costliest way to bring customers to your website.
Persuading other people to send targeted traffic your way
puts you on the fast track to profits.

The third step for triumphing in uncertain economic times
entails building one-on-one relationships with your
customers and prospects, even if you have thousands of
them. They must feel as if you are speaking only to them
in all of your communications.

The quickest way to accomplish this involves specializing
in one highly specific area of concern for them. In other
words, no matter what you sell, you'll never succeed as
"Wal-Mart." To succeed, your online business must
completely meet the needs of your customers in one,
specific area.

Time to face facts: the Internet won't go away! In fact,
despite the well publicized "dot bombs" of a couple of
years ago, the Internet forms a more integral part of our
lives than ever.

Even if you feel like your business, your job, or some
other important aspect of your life doesn't depend on the
Internet today, what about tomorrow?

Finally, everyone must stay current at all times with the
ever-changing landscape of the Internet. At some point,
virtually every one of us will find the Internet an
integral part of our business lives.

As effective business people, we must develop the ability
to adapt to change and give customers what they want - not
in months or years -but in the space of hours or days.

About the author:

Jim Edwards is a syndicated newspaper columnist and the co-
author of an amazing new ebook that will teach you how to
use free articles to quickly drive thousands of targeted
visitors to your website or affiliate links...

Simple "Traffic Machine" brings Thousands of NEW visitors to
your website for weeks, even months... without spending a
dime on advertising! ==>

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