Home>SWIMMING>USA Swimming Releases Time Standards for 2025 Junior National Championships
USA Swimming Releases Time Standards for 2025 Junior National Championships

USA Swimming Releases Time Standards for 2025 Junior National Championships


USA Swimming has released the time standards for the 2025 Junior National Championships, which will take place from July 30-August 3, 2025 in Irvine, California.

2025 Junior National Championships – Time Standards

Girl’s Events Boy’s Events
22.99 26.59 50 Free 23.79 20.39
49.99 57.69 100 Free 51.99 44.39
1:48.29 2:04.99 200 Free 1:54.09 1:37.89
4:50.09 4:23.59 400/500 Free 4:02.49 4:27.09
10:04.99 9:06.79 800/1000 Free 8:23.09 9:13.19
16:51.49 17:26.79 1500/1650 Free 16:05.09 15:34.19
54.39 1:04.29 100 Back 58.19 48.79
1:58.29 2:19.29 200 Back 2:06.99 1:46.79
1:02.49 1:13.29 100 Breast 1:05.19 55.09
2:15.59 2:38.59 200 Breast 2:22.59 2:00.59
54.19 1:02.49 100 Fly 55.89 48.29
2:00.59 2:18.39 200 Fly 2:05.09 1:47.89
2:01.19 2:21.29 200 IM 2:07.99 1:48.79
4:18.99 5:00.29 400 IM 4:33.09 3:52.69

Unlike the time standards for the 2025 US National Championships, the Junior Nationals time standards generally remained the same or got slightly slower when compared to the 18 and under time standards for the 2024 Summer Championships, which served as the equivalent to Junior Nationals. This was especially prevalent on the girl’s side, where the time standards only got faster in 2 SCY events (100 back and q00 breast) and 1 LCM event (100 back). A majority of the events on the boy’s side held the same time standards compared to 2024 in both LCM and SCY.

Time Comparison: 2024 Summer Championships v. 2025 Junior Nationals, LCM Time Standards

2025 Girls LCM 2024 Girls LCM % Difference Event 2025 Boys LCM 2024 Boys LCM % Difference
26.59 26.59 0.00% 50 Free 23.79 23.79 0.00%
57.69 57.59 0.17% 100 Free 51.99 51.99 0.00%
2:04.99 2:04.29 0.56% 200 Free 1:54.09 1:54.09 0.00%
4:23.59 4:21.39 0.84% 400/500 Free 4:02.49 4:02.79 -0.12%
9:06.79 8:58.69 1.51% 800/1000 Free 8:23.09 8:23.09 0.00%
17:26.79 17:11.29 1.50% 1500/1650 Free 16:05.09 16:05.09 0.00%
1:04.29 1:04.39 -0.16% 100 Back 58.19 58.19 0.00%
2:19.29 2:18.29 0.72% 200 Back 2:06.99 2:06.99 0.00%
1:13.29 1:13.29 0.00% 100 Breast 1:05.19 1:05.29 -0.15%
2:38.59 2:38.29 0.19% 200 Breast 2:22.59 2:22.89 -0.21%
1:02.49 1:02.39 0.16% 100 Fly 55.89 55.99 -0.18%
2:18.39 2:16.99 1.03% 200 Fly 2:05.09 2:05.09 0.00%
2:21.29 2:20.99 0.21% 200 IM 2:07.99 2:08.19 -0.16%
5:00.29 4:57.29 1.01% 400 IM 4:33.09 4:33.09 0.00%

Time Comparison: 2024 Summer Championships v. 2025 Junior Nationals, SCY Time Standards

2025 Girls SCY 2024 Girls SCY % Difference Event 2025 Boys SCY 2024 Boys SCY % Difference
22.99 22.79 0.88% 50 Free 20.39 20.39 0.00%
49.99 49.69 0.60% 100 Free 44.39 44.39 0.00%
1:48.29 1:47.39 0.85% 200 Free 1:37.89 1:38.09 -0.20%
4:50.09 4:48.09 0.69% 400/500 Free 4:27.09 4:27.69 -0.22%
10:04.99 9:56.79 1.38% 800/1000 Free 9:13.19 9:13.19 0.00%
16:51.49 16:32.59 1.91% 1500/1650 Free 15:34.19 15:34.19 0.00%
54.39 54.49 -0.18% 100 Back 48.79 48.89 -0.20%
1:58.29 1:57.69 0.51% 200 Back 1:46.79 1:47.09 -0.28%
1:02.49 1:02.79 -0.48% 100 Breast 55.09 55.29 -0.36%
2:15.59 2:15.49 0.07% 200 Breast 2:00.59 2:00.99 -0.33%
54.19 53.99 0.37% 100 Fly 48.29 48.39 -0.21%
2:00.59 1:59.39 1.00% 200 Fly 1:47.89 1:47.89 0.00%
2:01.19 2:00.59 0.50% 200 IM 1:48.79 1:48.89 -0.09%
4:18.99 4:15.19 1.49% 400 IM 3:52.69 3:52.69 0.00%

Notably, the women’s distance events saw large increases in their time standards. with the 800 freestyle seeing a 1.51% increase in time from 2024 to 2025 (8:58.69 to 9:06.79) and the 1500 freestyle seeing a 1.50% increase (17:11.29 to 17:26.79). The SCY versions of these events also saw large increases, as the 1000 freestyle had a 1.38% increase (9:56.79 to 10:04.99) while the 1650 freestyle had a 1.91% increase (16:32.59 to 16:51.49).


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