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Gay Does Not Equal Porn
by: Don One
I read this article (at - Wamono Mosesa.asp) about an offending billboard advertisement for, which was supposedly pornographic. I searched the site extensively looking for the porn. After a while, I asked myself if I was at the right site.

I’d never been to ( prior to all the brouhaha. Now, unless the site has had a major overhaul in the last four days, I don’t see what the problem is. I’ve seen raunchier stuff at cartoon There appears to be absolutely no porn to speak of at, and frankly, homosexual men going there to look for it will be highly disappointed.

The director of the group called Article 8 Alliance ( denounced the site in no uncertain terms as a gay hook-up site. And what’s wrong with a hook-up site? I belong to a handful of straight dating sites. You can’t tell me that most of the men that go there are not just looking for a “hook-up.” All of a sudden because the hook-ups are between gay men the site is lewd and obscene (read pornographic)?

To better understand the story you have to realize that Article 8 is a pro-family, very conservative group. A lot of things they say at their site have a definitive slant to their rants. I have to take Clear Channel to task for being a victim of their bullying, right-wing methods (As per the article, the media giant has subsequently removed the offending advert).

The article calls into question the manipulation of the American flag, but I’ll leave that alone: I honestly don’t know what is proper, ethical, legal, and fair in the handling of a national symbol (and besides, that is beyond the scope of this article). But if this had been a man and a woman in prominent display and the site in question had been named (or something of that nature) would this have been such a big deal? Obviously not, as far as Alliance 8 goes.

I’ve seen pornography. And believe me ain’t it. It’s just one of the more comprehensive and well-designed sites out there. I think we could at least Come Together on that opinion.

About the author:
The author is affiliated with writes regular porn and sex toy articles for his blog page

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