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What Does 2004 Hold For You?
by: Jim Edwards
(c) Jim Edwards - All Rights reserved

With 2004 almost upon us, right now makes the best time to
start setting your goals for the coming year.

Don't wait until December 31st at 11:00 p.m. to throw
together a list of things you might want to accomplish in
the next 12 months.

Decide right now!

Make a commitment to improving your life and the lives of
others and not just to make the same old "New Year's

If the simple act of making resolutions were enough, we
would all stop smoking, exercise daily, lose weight, own a
luxury car, get out of debt, and earn $100,000 per year!

Sad fact: most resolutions barely make it past January 1st.

But have no fear!

If you're serious about setting and keeping your
resolutions this year, then the Internet can rescue you
from backsliding on your goals.

Check out these tips for using the Web to keep you on
target for 2004.

~~ Break Bad Habits ~~

Quit smoking.

Lose weight.

Make more money.

Three of the most popular New Year's resolutions that never
seem to "stick!"

Log on to search engine, put in "break bad
habits" and you'll drown under the amount of information
for quitting just about anything.

However, before you throw your hands up in disgust, you need
to understand the point of the exercise.

It clearly demonstrates that the information you need to
stop (or start) doing virtually anything to change your
life exists, especially online.

No matter what you want, somebody operates a website, wrote
a book, produced a video, created some articles, or made a
CD that contains the answers you need to make changes.

Just log on, hunt down the information, and take action on

Some suggested phrases to help make your searches more
productive: "stop smoking," "lose weight," "end
procrastination," "improve self-esteem."

~~ Talk To The "Future" You ~~

Many companies online will help you keep your New Year's
resolutions by sending you email reminders throughout the
year (for a monthly fee).

But, instead of paying, you can set up your own reminder

Log on to and sign up for a free account.

Then sit down for an hour or two and think about the
challenges you will face in 2004.

Write yourself encouraging notes in the future about how to
stay on track.

Then, over the course of the year, you will receive your
own reminders and encouragement just when you need them

~~ What Makes The Difference? ~~

Choosing to take consistent ACTION makes the difference
between a wish and a goal!

A "wish" would be nice to have -if it isn't too difficult.

A "goal" is something you choose to act upon daily with a
plan and commitment - no matter what!

The best summary I've ever seen of this principle comes
from the second book in the "Harry Potter" series when
Professor Dumbledore tells Harry, "It is our choices that
show what we truly are, far more than our abilities."

(I have that quote taped to the top of my monitor)

The information to accomplish virtually anything is just a
few mouse clicks away online and much of it's absolutely

Choose to use that information to make 2004 better for
yourself and others.

About the author:

Jim Edwards, a.k.a., is a syndicated newspaper
columnist, nationally recognized speaker, author, and web
developer. Owner of nine (9) successful e-businesses as well as a
professional consulting firm, Jim's writing comes straight off the
front lines of the Internet and e-commerce.

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