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Develop Your Own Info Products - Quick and Easy!
by: Neil Maxwell-Keys

A Simple Technique for Creating Killer Information Products
Information publishing business is one of the most lucrative businesses you can be in. Especially if you consider the amount of effort, investment and time you actually need to put in to be successful, compared to nearly all other *conventional* businesses.

Learn how to create and market your OWN info-products and the profits can be nothing short of spectacular! And you don't have to knock yourself out in this business. Because developing products is SIMPLE!

And to prove it here’s a great technique that I think perfectly illustrates just how simple this *business* can be. Let me tell you how I did it just minutes after getting an email from someone telling me how they had ZERO ideas for developing their own info-products...

Okay, firstly I log onto Then I type in "top keywords".

This brings up several options on the first page. The second one down catches my attention. It's cleverly called: - great domain name!

The home page of this site gives me three options: * Top 200 Keywords - Last 60 days. * Top 300 Keywords - 24 hour period. * Top 200 Keyword Trends - Comparison chart of the 200 most searched keywords over the last 12 months.

I click on the first link which brings up a list of the top 200 key word searches done in the last 60-days. Here's a list of the top 20:

No's/Count/Keyword ******************* 1 170855 travel 2 132592 hotels 3 122629 jokes 4 119472 people search 5 115414 health 6 114510 autos 7 111784 google 8 108489 ebay 9 89701 yahoo 10 75757 lyrics 11 73904 Weight Loss 12 67207 hotmail 13 62248 april fools 14 58851 dictionary 15 58242 16 57044 mapquest 17 56865 song lyrics 18 56251 baby names 19 54222 20 52283 games

I ignored the second link (searches done in the last 24-hours) as I wanted a more accurate reading. I also checked out No.3, the top keyword trends over the last 12-months. And guess what I found? Amazingly it was VERY similar to the searches done in the last 60 days (check it out for yourself).

Now then, looking at this list above - what do you see? I don't know about you, but all I see is Daffy Duck style $$dollar signs$$! Or more to the point OPPORTUNITY.

You see, here in stone-cold black and white is exactly what people are looking for.

We now know what people want. And just incase you don't know what the basic *rule* of product development is, then here it is again:

*Find Out What People Want And Give It To Them*

I'll be hammering that one home pretty often in my ezine.

Let's take one example from the list above and see if we can create a product for it. Hmmmm, let me see. Something *apparantly* difficult. How about 'baby names' (No.18)?

Difficult, huh?

Well, 56,251 searches have been done by people looking for some ideas for their soon-to-be family addition. And this number is a decentish size market to try.

Now, how difficult do you think it would be to create a simple e-book on baby names? Look, you go to your local library and get every book you can on the subject. You go to other sites and you compile the biggest, baddest list of baby names you possibly can. Arrange it in some kind of logical order (girls, boys, alphabetical, etc). And to make it a bit more interesting and unique, how about adding a short history behind the name? Or the true meaning of the name? I.e. Neil = Champion (apparently!). etc, etc.

You type the whole thing up on your PC (copying and pasting as much as possible - they can't copyright baby names!).

And if you're unsure where to start with this then: ************************************************************ "Learn How to write and publish your own OUTRAGEOUSLY Profitable eBook in as little as 7 days... even if you can't write, can't type, and failed high school English class!" ************************************************************

Then you convert it into a PDF document. DON'T spend several hundred dollars on the Adobe PDF Distiller. Simply use an excellent program such as 'The 5-minute PDF Creator' (Click here)->

Then you set up a one-page website to sell the thing by digital download. If you can't do this yourself you go to and get someone to bid on this job.

Then you set a price (see what similar items sell for, but $17 is a good price to start with). Open up an account with Clickbank to handle and process all your orders online, by clicking here:

Then you go to a pay-per-click search engine like and bid on the words "baby names", "baby's names", etc.

And voila! There you have it. A bona fide digital product that you know people want. Written all by your lonesome, that you now have the rights to. A product that will make you money tick-tock like clock work 24/7. You'll easily recoup your (small) costs with just a few sales.

Then you immediately start looking for our 'back end' products to make even more money off this list of customers. How about finding out when the baby will be born? Then having reminders set up so that you can email them and congratulate them... and then of course offer your new book called "Little-Known Secrets of Healthy Babies" or whatever.

That's just one idea. Take a closer look at the list above. See ‘April Fools’ and ‘Jokes’ both on the top 20 list? Now does that give you any ideas? Could you produce a simple e-book full of practical jokes and April fools ideas? You could start the book with the history of April Fools, give a few of the greatest ever April Fools jokes. Then start listing some great step-by-step wind-ups! I’d certainly enjoy writing a book like that (and testing each one out as I went along!) I’m not joking here (no pun intended) you could write this book in one day and have the whole thing making money by the end of the week.

What about 'health' and 'weight loss'(No.5 & No.11)? Huge, HUGE markets all begging to be milked!

Oh and one other thing before I leave you. Do you notice what ISN'T on this list (or even the top 200)? 'business opportunities', 'biz opps', 'make money' or whatever you want to call it. Now that's a crowded market - everyone trying to teach everyone else how to make money. Now before you say anything, I know I'm a culprit too. But I also have my fingers in a few other lucrative pies outside of this market - which I'll tell you about some other time. But isn't that food for thought?

I hope you think seriously about this idea.

About the Author

Neil Maxwell-Keys is editor of the "Product Developer Secrets" ezine, the authoritative resource for making big money quickly by creating and marketing your own information products. To subscribe click here =>


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