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Getting the Universe to Work for You
by: Matthew Tibble
Wouldn’t it be great to know that you have something as enormous as the Universe working in your favor? To know that such a force was pushing for your success would mean that success was only a matter of WHEN, not IF.

The good news is that this support is easy to access by doing one simple yet very important thing – giving before you receive.

You may have heard this expression before, especially with parents convincing their child to share with their friends or siblings. By giving before you receive, success will be drawn to you and your business.

How does it work?

The act of giving something without expecting anything in return sends to the Universe a message. This message says “I am prepared to help others regardless of whether I receive any material benefits for my work”. The Universe hears this message and responds in kind by rewarding you many times for your efforts (and never how you expect).

This concept might seem far-fetched, but there are already thousands of businesses that employ this principle everyday. I can almost guarantee that you have been at the receiving end of it in the last six to twelve months. This principle can be seen when a business gives away a free report, ebook, a free consultation or teleseminar. It is the act of giving something of value away to your customer for NOTHING, in the hope that they will benefit from what you are offering them.

When you give something away, the recipient feels a sub-conscious desire to give something back in return. It is unavoidable – all humans feel the same, even if they don’t know it. This rule is known as the Rule of Reciprocation. But in order for this rule to be effective, the recipient must feel that the gift was given in the right spirit – the Spirit of Giving.

Here is an example. You have a report that can help others loose weight. This report has taken you four months to research, prepare and edit it, getting it into a format that others can download and print. You decide that due to the large number of overweight people in society, you will give this information away for free. Obviously, you would like people to read it and return to buy weight loss products or a series of weight loss reports that you intend on writing. However, even if they didn’t return you would still offer this report for free because you feel strongly about helping others lose weight. This is the Spirit of Giving.

If your customer feels this Spirit when receiving a gift from you, they will want to return the favor and give something back, such as their email address, an order or a referral to their family and friends.

By giving away something of value to help others, the Universe will work very hard to help you. Not only will the Rule of Reciprocation bring you rewards, but other opportunities will come your way, such as large orders in the future, joint venture opportunities with others, and positive word-of-mouth exposure for your business.

If you have a website, then offer something of value to your visitors. This might be a report, ebook, or a voucher that can be redeemed for product at a later date. If you have an off-line business, then perhaps provide an information booklet, a free initial consultation or giveaway with a purchase.

The act of giving before you receive will not only bring you countless benefits, but will enable hundreds and eventually thousands of people to benefit from the valuable gift that you have provided them. Your business will grow, and even more people will benefit from your actions.

I assure you, the Universe rewards such efforts.

About the Author

Matthew Tibble operates, a site dedicated to business owners to help them achieve their business goals. A combination of sales and marketing experience over the past 9 years & a strong passion to help small businesses improve their success has led to the development of business and marketing planning services. Please visit or email


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