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Internet Success Recipe
by: Elizabeth McGee

Thousands of people are attracted to the internet each day in hopes of starting an online business. The internet offers a channel of opportunity for anyone motivated to start a business of their own and the opportunities are almost endless.

For anyone that has created a successful business online or attempted an online business they know, better than anyone, that jumping on the internet, creating a website and trying to make sales does not constitute success. There are some key ingredients that will increase your chances for success.

Honest Sincere Passion

It's really not enough to hate your day job or your boss or your traffic commute. You must have the personal drive to put your talents and expertise to work for you! There must be an inner passion that pushes you to success and gives you the patience to keep on truckin', so to speak and not give up.

Creating your own business means you must be willing to make sacrifices for the greater good. Nothing worthwhile was achieved without time and sacrifice and you must be prepared to recognize that.

A common reason why people end up back at their day jobs giving up the goal of business ownership is that the sacrifice was too great. Starting a business was too much work, took too much time and left too little money for fun. Those things cannot stand in your way. If they do then keep up the day job, it's easier.

Professional Website

To do business on the web you must begin with a website. This is your storefront, it's your introduction to the world. It tells people who you are, what you are about and what you have to offer.

Your website should be simple and make a positive impression. It should be easy to understand and navigate. Use appealing colors and fonts. Don't use a lot of flashy graphics or popups.

Make ordering off your site as simple and easy to understand as possible. Be obvious about all product and shipping costs. Highlight the benefits to your readers and display a call to action.

Compelling Content

Develop content that compels your viewers to buy. Learn to appeal to their emotions. Making more money, saving time, losing weight or making tasks easier all encourage readership and sales. It really doesn't matter what you are selling as long at it can convey how it will help your viewers and is targeting the right audience.

Understand who your readers are and what they would most be interested in reading. Find out what their key interest are and choose content that addresses those interests.

Targeted Audience

You must get your website and sales offers in front of the people most interested in your product or service. Pay per click advertising is the ideal way to reach your target audience. If you do classified advertising select only publications that are associated with your topic. If you sell weight loss products you don't want to advertise in a real estate publication.

Opt-in Email List

It's imperative that you obtain an opt-in email list that you can communicate with on a consistent basis. It's common knowledge that viewers need at least an average of seven exposures to a product before they buy. Getting your product in front of your viewers on a regular basis means increased revenue for you. It also allows you to make special offers, provide useful information and build credibility.

Develop Trust and Credibility

This is key to obtaining sales and repeat visitors. Your viewers must feel that you are trustworthy and know what you are talking about. Product reviews are a great way of developing trust. If you've developed a website for example, write about your experiences and what you recommend. Write reviews on e-books you've read or tools you have used. When doing so be sure to highlight the negatives as well as the positive.

Always include an 'about me' page. Be honest about how your started your business and how you ended up where you are today. Share your feelings and emotions. If you don't recommend something be sure to explain why not.

Offer something free on your site develops trust as well. E-books make great free tools. Offer free coupons if you have them. Create a sense of offering. Express that your website is there to help and educate your readers. Don't ever place emphasis on yourself. Be empathetic to your viewers by putting yourself in their shoes and understand their needs.

Always include a 'privacy policy' page. Your viewers need to be reassured that their privacy is your utmost concern. Don't ever sell or share anyone's email address. If you collect IP addresses explain what you use them for. If you collect email addresses assure your readers that they may opt-out at any time.

Invite your readers to communicate with you by also including your email, your business name, address and phone.

Superb Product Delivery

Nothing turns a visitor away faster than confusion in the ordering process. Keep your order process easy and simple. Be up front about all costs including shipping costs.

If you state a product will be delivered within seven to ten days try to get it to them in five. People love it when you can beat their expectations.

Follow up with a client after delivery. Make sure they've received their product and if there is anything further you can do for them.

Elizabeth McGee has spent 20 years in the service and support industry. She has moved her expertise to the world wide web helping businesses find trusted tools, enhance customer service, build confidence and increase sales. You can contact Elizabeth at: or visit her website at:


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