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Should We Protect Our Creative Stuff?
by: Susan James
The Questions are getting louder and the possible solutions
are many and some solutions are filled with venom.

The Question being asked? How do we protect our creative
rights from things such as piracy, and copyright infringements
appearing in many creative forms? This question keeps
popping up in regard to more simple things as writing books
to more technological factors of entertainment and the like.

Consider this:

A. As long as the assumption is made, that we must *protect*
ourselves from others, then we will continue to attract
situations where we need to protect ourselves from others.

B. Basically, this is about about money and fear in general.

C. Therefore the assumption is then also made, that we can
not make money if people steal our stuff.
makes it a truth. The *truth* being now, we can not make
money & more money, if people steal our stuff.

D. That therefore makes the assumption that the Universe is
limited in its delivery of things that makes us happy, and
brings us success and wonderful lifestyles and livelihoods,
while we are doing/being what we are passionate about and

E. The crux appears to be from the creative side, projecting
intellectual property vs the technological side and all of its
innovations. These technological innovations seem to be
where the *bad guys* show up, leaving attorneys to try and
figure it out and pass more laws protecting *us* from one

F. As long as we continue with the perspective that we must
protect ourselves from one another, then it will remain the
circle of protection. We are assuming that the *bad guys* are
going to take our money and our ideas, which then equate to
money. This therefore stifles our creativity and the line of
limitation becomes a Wall, protecting us from more, creativity.

It's about *fear*. Fear of loss of something; fear of losing
money, fear of *not getting proper credit for an idea* (sorry
but I'm not running my life based on the so labeled *bad

G. As we as a humanity teach ourselves to honor one another,
without judging behaviors....which also constricts the flow of
good stuff coming to us........and to...... honor that invisible
space in front of our face and how it really works, and how we
can mold it to design our lives..... THEN....we won't care
anymore about protecting ourselves. We would have moved
our *energy* higher, to where anything that dis-honors
another person, won't show up. There will no longer be the
dense energy to hold it, it will fall away of its own weight.

H. The folks that feel they need to steal someone's stuff in
order to make money, are operating under lack/dense energy
and will attract more of the same. (they are thinking they can
not make money unless they steal someone's stuff).

Call it the law of attraction, coincidence, or reciprocation. The
point is, is that it works, it works for us on an individual basis
as well as business, commerce and international relations.

I. If we want to stop having this protection issue, then we
need to stop giving it so much dang attention, and then yes it
will just go away. (can you believe I even *said* that?'s the truth, it's the way energy works, we have
taught ourselves completely opposite that, and that is why we
*think* not *feel*, that we have to protect ourselves; we get
what we focus on.......... plain and simple, no judgement in
how it works for us or *against* us, it simply works that way
based on how energy/consciousness/spirit/god/universe

J. Everything.....Every about energy under-
standing the mechanics of how it works. As long as we
operate under the guise of human logic and intellect only, we
will always live in fear or lack.

K. It is not the way things really are....but it's the way many
have set them up to be, in order to protect us from the other
guy, and there is lots of money to be made in the business of
protection of others.

L. I know too much about how things really work, that I no
longer operate any part of my life that way. I can only do that
for myself and am not responsible for the choices that others
make. But what I do know, is that it is changing......

M. Pollyanna approach? you betcha......Heaven on Earth
approach? You betcha. It's going to snag us by the pants
one day, and surprisingly we will still be very happy, and we
will still create wonderful sweet money, in huge amounts; but
what we will also do is take the love/hate relationship away
form the money arena and it will flow to everything and
everyone, in ease. Why? Because that's the way things work.
But there we go, we will grab it, and have to constrict things,
by protecting ourselves. (contradicts everything we say we

About the Author

Author/Consultant, Susan James, Writes & Teaches the
Application of ŠUser Friendly Physics to Human Potential.
>From Dreams Come True To Weight Loss. Author of:
Manifesting 101 & Beyond/ MM4M:Manifesting Millionaires
(ebook/print soon)


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